Well-Known Member
Those themes have been played out, now it is all Anunnaki, flat earth, mud floods, and energy weapons, planes running on compressed air and hills are a conspiracy....
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I'd classify that as Hurr 2.0Those themes have been played out, now it is all Anunnaki, flat earth, mud floods, and energy weapons...
i've got one of those i've checked against digital's dead the fuck on until you go past an oz....bought it at the post office in.....1990....i think....that general area, anyway...for a buck, i think....
Been a while since I've seen an erectiometer
A scale. Hook your baggy on the clip and read the arrow.I must not be from said era. What is it?
Not your baggy, your chubbyA scale. Hook your baggy on the clip and read the arrow.
Oh yes, how quickly I forgot. Damn autocorrectNot your baggy, your chubby
erectiometer ftw
The bell would be counterbalance.. hold scale between your fingers using loop at top of picwhat's the point of the bell?
@cannabineer lol I briefly thought you were serious and googled erectiometer. Turns out there is such a product.
- Subjects placed the Erectiometer on the penis themselves
- The Erectiometer was positioned approximately on the middle of the penile shaft
- Subjects obtained their own readings
- Because the Erectiometer requires some force to expand, it probably provides for a conservative measure of penile circumference