Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

I've got wild turkeys roaming in my neighborhood :mrgreen:

also these plump, delicious-looking Eurasian collared doves which are an unprotected invasive species so you can take them without any license

I used to catch tonnes of pigeons as a kid, I'd release them again, was just bored, home alone usually.
You just need to set up a box with a stick and a piece of rope, then put some breadcrumbs in a trail ending where the box would fall shut, when you pull the stick holding one side up, out with the rope or fishing line.
Doves are good eating but you need a big bag of em to make a meal.

We would just pluck the breast, cram a thumb under it, then give it a yank. (Makes a squishy crunching sound.)
The remainder of the carcass wasn't worth the effort...

That's called "breasting them out" in my neck of the woods

and you don't need to pluck them as the skin pulls right off

Until recently, the only crime that Cap'N Crunch could be accused of was cutting up the roofs of our mouths, despite his cereal's delicious sweet corn taste. Now, an eagle-eyed cereal lover has found that Cap'N Crunch is not a captain at all, but a commander, according to the stripes on his uniform.Jun 19, 2013

That's called "breasting them out" in my neck of the woods

and you don't need to pluck them as the skin pulls right off
Dove hunting in Kansas inspired me to get a reloader. They would go right down a tree line every evening heading to a roost. It would be constant shooting until sunset, flocks of 30-40. I think they are the only birds that can fly 60 MPH and drop 6 feet and make a u turn in an instant. Limit was 15 - 3 boxes of shells...or so.