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Death Maps

Posted by Two Feathers in maps, science
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Here's something I found absolutely fascinating. It's a method of mapping the world based on statistics using cartograms. According to Worldmapper, the cartograms are akin to pie charts, except the slices of the pie are shaped into countries.

"I think that looking at a map rather than just the raw data allows you to see the whole picture and makes for easier comparison between the different datasets," Worldmapper's John Pritchard said in an email."

What I found most interesting were the death maps. Here are some of them:

Death by suicide.

Death by volcano.

Death by War.

Death by AIDS.

Death by accidental poisoning.

Death by avalanches and landslides.

Death by disaster.

Death by diarrhoea.

Death by depression.

Death by drought.

Death by drug use.

Death by earthquakes.

Death by extreme temperatures.

Death by fires.

Death by flood.

Death by murder.

Death by glaucoma!
Say what?
Glaucoma? Is that possible? Really?

And on a more positive note - here is the "Lived to be 100 Map."

Now that's a big hearing aid!

OMG! Can they get any bigger than this?

Yowsers! This has got to be the world's largest hearing aid, don't you think?

I can't resist.

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It's a repeat, but I can't help but wonder what would have happened to Tyrone if he had stolen this guy's plant?

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