Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


New Member
It's always important to show your gun off with a bird. If you want to be taken seriously that is.....




New Member
Imagine how much down draft he is creating....:lol: He should have at least flipped it over.

My cousin showed up once to borrow one of my canoes in a VW. I was like.... uhh no...come back with a plan.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
canoe in the backseat ends pointing outta the windows :) unless we're talking canadian canoes (as in long ones, not kayaks) you might need a wide load bumper sticker :P


Well-Known Member
A car just crashed into a house around the corner lol.Im gonna tell my brother to try and get some pics.He said the dude was drunk as shit and you could smell the vodka coming off him when he got out.I think its pretty bad though theres ambulances and shit up there.


New Member
this thing has an attitude and keeps making false accusations against me.
wow...so it's that accurate? :lol:


Cleverbot and Cracker

who wrote the bible?
Edgar Allen Poe. No?
Is that a bad thing?