Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

i worry about you sometimes...this actually seems humorous to you?...any of this?...talk to your physician about changing your meds, and...just talk to your psychologist.

Wow thay was a stretch... coffee must have been warm this morning

Italians and jersey trash Def funny

Sleep paralysis demon telling the easily manipulated masses to like cookies... not funny, its true

Elder scroll khajhit has or wants your stuff- funny

Trends are for fascist so they know how to dress... funny

I mean maybe not your generational.jokes...but I'd say up the medication

If you tell a joke and no one luaghs... that's funny -NM
When I don’t like a joke I usually just ignore it and carry on or maybe angry face it and carry on but that’s it.View attachment 5056182
1 too effeminate, "roar, y'all"...
2 cool looking lion, not so sure about the lgbtq wings
3 looks like the white guy with dreads that works at weigels
4 looks like he just came from the barber shop
5 looks like a friar
6 looks like a dog with a halloween mask
7 looks like a hyena with a big nose
8 looks like a japanese demon with chtulu in its belly
9 looks anorexic, with an overbite
10 looks like a leopard in a balliwood movie....