Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Yes I have a 36v Makita too, awesome saw and this is coming from someone who loved gas and swore they would never use an electric toy. Though the lack of sound can make you forget how dangerous it is, it's every bit as capable as my Stihl MS170.

I hope you heal up soon @StonedGardener it sucks you got bit but it could of been a lot worse.

Thanks Low Range ! Very nice of you . Yea , I " lost my cherry "..............did something real , real f'ing stupid .......took front hand off saw.....thought I could grab something fast...........NO......any , it's healing very fast , just missing large chunk of nail . No biggie.....I'v had that bite coming for a very long time.
Thanks Low Range ! Very nice of you . Yea , I " lost my cherry "..............did something real , real f'ing stupid .......took front hand off saw.....thought I could grab something fast...........NO......any , it's healing very fast , just missing large chunk of nail . No biggie.....I'v had that bite coming for a very long time.
be carefull a guy i went to school lost his life, to a chain saw kicked back , and got him in the head.
be carefull a guy i went to school lost his life, to a chain saw kicked back , and got him in the head.
I know a guy I call dicknose! Back 20 yrs ago, give or take, he was cutting and hit an old musket ball embedded in the log. Kicked back and split the tip of his nose. After surgery and healing, it looked like a big penis head… the tip never lost swelling so his nose looks like it’s “hard” all the time lol. He’s not a great guy… so I don’t feel bad when I laugh!