Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Long ago Oreos used to be one of my fave munchies but since they now have a huge dose of high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar they are but a fond memory.

If you know you consume more junk than you should just put HFCS on your Never Consume list and you'd be surprised how much healthier you'll feel in short order as most junk food and drink uses it. Probably lose some weight too.

If somebody showed up with some real coke I'd happily do a line of that!

Long ago Oreos used to be one of my fave munchies but since they now have a huge dose of high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar they are but a fond memory.

If you know you consume more junk than you should just put HFCS on your Never Consume list and you'd be surprised how much healthier you'll feel in short order as most junk food and drink uses it. Probably lose some weight too.

If somebody showed up with some real coke I'd happily do a line of that!

Juke food ain’t what it used to be that’s for sure.