Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Active Member
View attachment 1179162

I do not like this Uncle Sam;
I do not like his health care scam.
I do not like these dirty crooks,
or how they lie and cook the books.
I do not like when Congress steals,
I do not like their secret deals.
I do not like this speaker Nan,
I do not like this 'YES, WE CAN.'
I do not like this spending spree …
I'm smart; I know that nothing's free.
I do not like your smug replies,
when I complain about your lies.
I do not like this kind of hope.
I do not like it. Nope, nope, nope!

Go green - recycle Congress in 2010!
Fuckin awesome + rep.


Well-Known Member
^^^that was funny, I just read the thread, I must say, I was quite surprised that a lot more people didn't crap on the poor guy....may be RIU is changing for the better.

Here's my little Headband clone that I thought was dead, put it in the greenhouse and this is waht happened

Yielded at least a bong



Well-Known Member
I once had a seed that grew into a plant not much bigger than that, no matter how much I pampered it. Its sisters were big and fat.
Anyway, it ended in neglect, and after the sisters were consumed, the big fiending set in. The little plant was remembered and a phone call to the wife established that the pot is behind a tree.
So, off I went to harvest the single thumbsized nugg on there. Nicley cured, au naturale. Anyway, that bugger made me so stoned I had to go lie down cause my heart was throbbing in my eyeballs.


Well-Known Member
I just smoked a Mutant too,she was a Bonzai from the beginning.Just a little longer,2 weeks max.Killin me.After all this time they have to be right before they get hung.Got a Mother that wont come out of flower and shes on 24 and no its not an autoflower.Sorry to break the thread jus needed someone to wine to,Peace

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I-90 wreck in Montana

The driver was appx 22 year old guy heading east to College. He had left central Washington early in the morning. He fell asleep at the wheel and drifted off the shoulder hitting the end of the section of guard rail.

The guard rail came through the right headlight, engine compartment, firewall, glove box, passenger seat, rear seat and exited out the driver’s side of the rear window. That is 120 LF of guard rail that threaded through the suburban.

No passengers in his vehicle and the driver was not injured.

accident 1.jpg

accident 2.jpg

accident 3.jpg