Heh. I was picking up some lumber to build stairs for a remodel. After hitting the actual lumber yard and getting some good lumber for the wall paneling, I rolled into home depot and surprisingly found a really nice panel of radiata that *gasp* was actually flat. So thinking I'd use it for one of my 20 table saw sled projects in the future I grabbed it and threw it on a cart. (It ended up turning into the running boards for the stairs.)
I get the rest the dimensional stuff and head out to my car. I wheel up this 3'x10' panel and a couple of 10' 2X12's to my car, and old timer parked next to me gets out of his truck, chuckling as he looks at my Mazda3 coupe, "Wha-cha gunna do now, junior?"
FFS geezer, I'm damned near 50. I pop open my truck, pull out a set of collapsible saw horses and my circular saw with a 5 amp hour battery, rip the pannel into 2 parts, cut the 2X12's in half, tossing each piece in a stack in my trunk with the seat down, collapse my tools and toss them in the trunk and pop it down. Old dude is standing there slack jawed and I reply, "Modern problems, modern solutions." with a smile that would make Chapel proud.
Looks like this guy needs to trade in his 40 year old-faithful wired Skil-Saw for a handy portable and break down his lumber in the parking lot.