Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Active Member
1. This thread is about PICTURES that make you LOL. Not walls of text about some shit I could care less about (winter woman).

2. He really will NEVER have a girlfriend.

3. [video=youtube;-XsSoMBVF3w]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XsSoMBVF3w&feature=player_embedded#at=45[/video]


wow man thats awesome, funny shit. months ago when i saw it the first time except it wasnt really funny then and it makes you look a little more ignorant now. dont talk down if you cant bring somthin to the table...what do i bring to the table you may ask???? today, your mamma jokes! Your mamma so fuckin inbred she forgot to swollow the night you were conceived. suck a dick assclown, you might enjoy Winters writen humor more if you could read. sorry she left you out.


Active Member
Uh, I'm sorry are you implying that I'm a criminal? Or is it just one of those things you think is clever, but has no validity whatsoever?
Did you figure that one out ALL by yourself?

I thought it was clever...did you think coming to this thread and trying to get people to follow your lead into bashing WW was clever?




Well-Known Member
Did you figure that one out ALL by yourself?

I thought it was clever...did you think coming to this thread and trying to get people to follow your lead into bashing WW was clever?



Bashing? For pointing out that this is a Pix thread? I'm all for the ladies, but if you're this defensive over a girl you've never met I can't imagine how pussy whipped you must be in real life.

Edit: Am I the only one that think it's funny how everyone got so pissed off at that guy for "Bashing" winter woman, except fuckin winter woman? Lol, seems like she couldn't give a fuck but some of you seem to feel the need to defend her honor.


Active Member
Bashing? For pointing out that this is a Pix thread? I'm all for the ladies, but if you're this defensive over a girl you've never met I can't imagine how pussy whipped you must be in real life.

Edit: Am I the only one that think it's funny how everyone got so pissed off at that guy for "Bashing" winter woman, except fuckin winter woman? Lol, seems like she couldn't give a fuck but some of you seem to feel the need to defend her honor.
Lol, nice attempt to hurt my self-esteem...

Its just ridiculous he had to come in here saying that shit....I would've defended you as well, it has NOTHING to do with her being a woman. And just to add, she gave me rep for defending her 'honor'.

Pussy whipped??? Come now, this is the internet, and I personally don't get a chub by sucking up to online female personas.


Well-Known Member
Lol, nice attempt to hurt my self-esteem...

Its just ridiculous he had to come in here saying that shit....I would've defended you as well, it has NOTHING to do with her being a woman. And just to add, she gave me rep for defending her 'honor'.

Pussy whipped??? Come now, this is the internet, and I personally don't get a chub by sucking up to online female personas.
I thought another point on your part would of been showed him that the Thread is PICS like he said why is he posting VIDS.....so he is wrong too? no room to bash my two cents


Well-Known Member
Dang got excited and was let down.......it wont let it download says cant find......but thanks for the try ANC much appreciated......but its a good site may can do other videos I want will experiment........if anyone can download that file WW posted about the dog I would love to have ya send it to me.........thanks.

Oh and I searched on YOutube with every combination I could think of for tags but no luck damit....LOL most times Youtube will also have a file.....