Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
Johns Not Mad.....probably funnier if you are originally frm the UK and well into your 30's. I know we shouldn't laugh at people with Tourettes but they ran this documentary when I was a sick teenager and we all thought it was hilarious. Some people then even thought it was all a big prank. They recently ran another documentary 20 years on...John is still quite Hat Stand to be honest. Now his dog gets the brunt of his tourettes....anyhoo, dance remix

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Today's history lesson. . .

There is an old Hotel/Pub in Marble Arch, London ...


....which used to have gallows adjacent. Prisoners were taken to the gallows (after a fair trial of course) to be hung. The horse drawn dray, carting the prisoner was accompanied by an armed guard, Who would stop the dray outside the pub and ask the prisoner if he would like ''ONE LAST DRINK''.

If he said YES it was referred to as "ONE FOR THE ROAD"

If he declined, that prisoner was "ON THE WAGON"



Well-Known Member
I don't think I can embed this, but it is incredible how do they get them to do this [video]http://elrellano.com/videos_online/4624/circo-roncalli.html[/video]

If it doesn't embed here's the link
Hahaaha She was totally in on it. She was holding the fox and you could see the ferrets wiggling around in the coat. And she lets loose of the drop down panels that let the ferrets fall out.

Still cool though.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Drop panels... I didn't think of that, I was thinking, 'I hope they don't have any loose teeth' lol.

Hahaaha She was totally in on it. She was holding the fox and you could see the ferrets wiggling around in the coat. And she lets loose of the drop down panels that let the ferrets fall out.

Still cool though.