Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Sorry, but this has been cracking me up. Gonna give the musical a watch this evening i think :D
Typical matt stone and tray parker :D
go to google and type in where does and you get where does justin beiber live wtf! that many people care where that kid lives?
Basically they've patented the discovered use of canabinoids. For example if you grew carrots and you found they made you see in the dark, they've essentially patented the fact that carrots can make you see in the dark. Not the carrot, but it's effect, in this case they've patented the idea that cannabinoids can be used as antioxidants.

Doubt anyone cares though, we all know what an utter and total and complete piss take and joke the patent system is :D
Since 1930, plants have been patentable. The first plant patent was granted to Henry F. Bosenberg for a climbing or trailing rose. From About.com
aboute.com said:
A plant patent is granted to an inventor who has invented or discovered and asexually reproduced a distinct and new variety of plant, other than a tuber propagated plant or a plant found in an uncultivated state.

This does not appear to apply to the US patent in question. The US have patented a use of the plant (does that mean i can patent getting high as fuck? :D patent for the use of cannabinoids for getting off ones tits). So the US govt could breed and create a new strain, and i think they'd be able to patent this possibly, but you can't just patent cannabis as a plant.