Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Big P

Well-Known Member
So true, especially as I work on a masters degree. :(


damn homie,

I read today that home prices for 2011 are going to be the worst yet

they said housing prices as a percentage have dropped more since this recession than they ever did during the Great Depression! and during the great depression it took 20 years for housing prices to come back.

theres lots more shitty shit shit on its way.

I think if obama is not re-elceted, the markets with start recovering in 2012

if he is re-elected I would get all monies out of the stock market and purchase houses at 30% discounts

actually, I would get out for the stock market now as it will just go lower as we enter the uncertain election phase.

im no expert though. just an average joe.

I finally decided to vote for the first time in the last election. I voted for old man mcain. I think this by itself will get me into heaven if it exists :D

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I know a girl who recently graduated with a medical business degree after she was laid off when he employer shut down and moved out of the country.
Her unemployment was about to run out so now she has a job at an egg plant sorting eggs. Not the job most would want but it was all she could find.
It must suck having a large collage debt and then get stuck in a non-related minimum wage shit job.


Well-Known Member
I know a girl who recently graduated with a medical business degree after she was laid off when he employer shut down and moved out of the country.
Her unemployment was about to run out so now she has a job at an egg plant sorting eggs. Not the job most would want but it was all she could find.
It must suck having a large collage debt and then get stuck in a non-related minimum wage shit job.
I got my degree in Music Performance in 2001. I held a decently paying job for 10 years, well it was decently paying until I was working 90+ hours a week as an 'hourly' employee but only 'getting' to claim 40 a week. Then they told me that their profit margin was more important than the birth of my child and 'work should come first' and to 'deal with it.' So I did. They say I walked off the job, I say I fired my employer; either way said fuck it and went back to my cello. She didn't make me much money, but I was happy. Better than I can say about playing a 22,000 workstation AD network with 232 local servers and 25,000 users. I may starve the rest my life, but I'll be happy. The good thing about music, these days it's almost completely independent and there's always street performing.

So I'll leech off the feds and my wife for a few years while I get a 2nd bachelors, masters, and doc. I'm not feeling like working for money any time soon, would rather work for knowledge and skill.

I personally would rather be unemployed these days than a slave to someone earning 9 figures while their employees are barely making rent and still starving.


Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
...So I'll leech off the feds and my wife for a few years while I get a 2nd bachelors, masters, and doc. I'm not feeling like working for money any time soon, would rather work for knowledge and skill.

I personally would rather be unemployed these days than a slave to someone earning 9 figures while their employees are barely making rent and still starving.

No offense, no attack, but I think your already a slave. You rely on others or the government to take care of you.
You are stuck on the provided tit. You will do what ever is needed to keep that tit flowing, but you will not work on making yourself able to take care of yourself. Working for knowledge means shit when your starving. You are actually taking away from someone who actually needs help and they are trying and not leeching from others.
IMHO, I am just saying.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I was gonna comment on that stupidity of that statement Dirty Harry, but then I decided to keep that shit out of the funny pics thread. You should do the same IMHO I'm just saying.

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya but if the government wastes your tax money that youve paid into the system for all your life, then its your right to try to get it back any way you can from the thieving money wasting feds, cuz they throw away our hard earned tax dollars without a second thought and use them to line thier pockets and get themselves re-elected & thier friends & cronies & Corprate doners.

the amount used to actually benifit America is minimal

its like if your wife is constantly throwing your money away on crap and you steal $100 back from her someway atleast once a month, does that make you the thief or the guy who just got a bit of his money back that was being wasted frivolously

I do this too, I got my g/f getting food stamps and that pays for all our groceries even though I provide for eveything and work full time.

thanks uncle sam :D you steal from me, ill steal from you ;)

Governemnet is still winning this little game though so far :|


Well-Known Member
...I got my g/f getting food stamps and that pays for all our groceries even though I provide for eveything and work full time.
you defraud the government out of food stamps, and then you complain about the government?

i don't blame the government, i blame the assholes like you defrauding them.

and now a funny picture:

hypocrite asshole.

Big P

Well-Known Member
The government is defrauding me out of my hard earned labor, taking food out of my families mouths, so I will take back any amount I can of the money the government defruades me of every month

Its simple logic, the governent takes too much money because they waste too much money.

If I can fight back in anyway I can over this injustice, you can damn well be sure I will, and Im proud of it, im one to fight for what I believe in. You get what you ask for. you steal from me. I steal from you.

anything less would be a diservice to my children and thier futures.


Well-Known Member
Come on. This thread is supposed to be an escape from that shit. Besides, it's always darkest before the dawn, and I believe their day is just about done. Stay tuned for things you never thought would happen, like something wonderful.