Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

ooooooooh ok ill bite your waaaaaaaaay off topic man.

and no i really dont care if some kid got kicked in the shin or the person who did it was mentally ill or that the person got punched out. really if you could see my face its giving no sign of any compassion for it.

couldnt give a RATS ass
ooooooooh ok ill bite your waaaaaaaaay off topic man.

and no i really dont care if some kid got kicked in the shin or the person who did it was mentally ill or that the person got punched out. really if you could see my face its giving no sign of any compassion for it.

couldnt give a RATS ass

ooooooooh ok ill bite your waaaaaaaaay off topic man.
R.O.F.L.M.F.A.O. WHAT ????????

if you couldent give a rats ass about it then go elsewhere and get over it you are the one making a big deal out of nothing and getting mad and you wont let it drop :dunce:.

this guy uses a cell phone very well
the lil' black kid is prolly all acting crazy in the store while this retard is on the phone
instead of taking his call outside he kick the kid telling him to shut the fuck up
as he walking over to the kid you can tell he is shouting something to him because the kid is starting to run when the retard kick him with thoses big ass skinhead boots of his in the kids shin which hurts like fuck - and besides how is the dad surposed to know that the man the just attacked his kid is retarded - he's out in public, on a cell phone , ordering food at resturunt, seem to be OK to me - and beside we are all just assuming the man is retarded with out proof that video is really grainy someone says look at his face he could just be ugly - but hes one dead son of a bytch for fuckin with me kids i dont care how bad my kids are acting - differant story if thisman was wereing a diaper and in a wheel chair but he was standing strong on the phone before alsulting a child (ps. there no proof that theres anything wrong with this man unless you know him the video is to grainny all we can say is a man hit a kid then the kid father hits the man)
luda is always in the middle of every argument. A child with mental retardation himself

fuck me its the tomato joker jacker at his best :lol:.
what this another way to get rep ??????.
i told you before you are an idiot who brings nothing to the table but wants all the credit for nothing and i bet you are repping people on this page like a desperado hoping for a return.
100% loser.

ooooooooh ok ill bite your waaaaaaaaay off topic man.
R.O.F.L.M.F.A.O. WHAT ????????

if you couldent give a rats ass about it then go elsewhere and get over it you are the one making a big deal out of nothing and getting mad and you wont let it drop :dunce:.

"Pix that make you LOL - Warning - SNWS"

not stupid troll arguments.... and yeah it takes a bigger man to walk away and say nothing lets see if you will drop it eh?!
you guys want to make the man retarded because you can't in you mind justyfiy a black man knocking out a white man so if you make him retarded you can say the brotha was wrong for picking on the weak when he is right to protect and defend his child just like anyone else would have done there no way anyone can say looking at that grainny video that that man is retarded
- he may now be retarded after he come too after being knock out
fuck me its the tomato joker jacker at his best :lol:.
what this another way to get rep ??????.
i told you before you are an idiot who brings nothing to the table but wants all the credit for nothing and i bet you are repping people on this page like a desperado hoping for a return.
100% loser.


nice insults. :clap: