Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
That video gets better everytime I see it.

I love how if you look closely you get a glimpse of the other skaters wailing on that goons buddy on the bike. Teach him a thing or too. Can you imagine what would of happened if he would of pulled the trigger with the gun that close to his face anywas?


Well-Known Member
dont pull out a gun if youre too pussy to use it...thats whats wrong with these "thugs" theyre all pussies!

right on for the skaters..they shouldve fucked him up like they fucked that thug up in "kids"


Well-Known Member
This girl has some serious talent! It's gonna take some mad style to bring back the velociraptor though.



Well-Known Member
...or you could just smoke enough DMT and go on a UFO ride yourself, its so much more interesting when they show you all the shit onboard.

Anyhow, if you love the beach, you'd LOVE this pet. [youtube]rvcgAjs6AYQ[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
Adverts we have running in NL....


Part II, the follow on.... (they even have an Eastern European workman in it...brilliant!!)



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