Pkush 400watt Closet Grow LA Cheese & Green Crack


Active Member
day 50: Lastnight was the 1st time i fed them bloomblastic! and oh my goodness waking up to see the buds on my girls just explode!
The girls are just loving it! i had to move the left side of my light up due to the green crack being so tall! well everyone here are some pics.


Active Member
day 56: been feeding the girls with bloomblastic and the results are awesome! it's been awhile since i've been on here.
just have been busy. Don't worry everyone the girls are been taken care of :D
Here are some pics of the buds that are growing!



Active Member
Hey pkush your girls are doing great! I take it you like the bloomblastic? I just sent in a request to sample it.


Active Member
growman you are right. when i 1st started using the bloomblastic. i knew i overfed them with nitro. All the yellow leaves were removed. I lower the dose of bloom pro and bloomblastic
So the greener leaves are slowly coming back.


Well-Known Member
growman you are right. when i 1st started using the bloomblastic. i knew i overfed them with nitro. All the yellow leaves were removed. I lower the dose of bloom pro and bloomblastic
So the greener leaves are slowly coming back.

I am glad to hear you knew what it was and fixed it,
now i can say looking great :)


Active Member
day 60: Lowered the dosage of the bloom pro and bloomblastic. The two short girls are coming back from overfeed nitro issues.
The Greencrack is just looking wonderful amazing buds growth everywhere. same with the one of the short girls too. She also had
some leaf curling. but they are unraveling :D buds on this shorty is amazing too. The LA/Cheese are just toppers growing.

I will be posting some new pictures later today.


Active Member
day 61: Not going to lie. stress is coming!! Lower the dose on the bloomblastic. still seems to over feeding with nitro.
I will be removing the bloomblastic to see we can get everything back to what it was. This will be followed by a 2day flush.
Bud production is going great though. Buds are growing everywhere on all three girls.
Here are some pics. The LA/Cheese look's the worst, i know, i know....i feel like shit too.


Active Member
I read your thread in full your green crackis looking great I actually just bought a clone of this strain today.


Active Member
I read your thread in full your green crackis looking great I actually just bought a clone of this strain today.
Thanks man. Right now. my girls have been going thru a big overfeed of nitro. I had to stop feeding them the bloomblastic hoping it will decrease the
population of yellowish leafs. So far. i had to trim off alot of dried of leafs on my LA/cheese More than likey going to run that for BHO.


Active Member
Day 65: hey guys i made a grow update video it's about 8mins long.

So today is day 65, over the last week. I've been dealing with some nitro issues due to overfeeding. I compeletely found out
that the bloomblastic was the cause, and i will to figure a better dosage for the girls with that nute. It's not currently running
full strength Pro bloom. The LA/Cheese must not like me anymore. due to all the issues i've been having with her. But i think i got her coming around
if not then she will be turned into sweet bho ^.^
The other girls "the shorty" doing great the bud production is massive buds alll down each branch head to toe
and same goes for the green crack, had some overfeed with that girl, but everything is going must smoother than
the past week.
Music used in the video
- Pacific dub - California girl
- pacific dub - Dreaming
- pacific dub - inhale



Active Member
Hey everyone, just stopping by to show off some bho i ran yesterday.

mixture of trim ( la/cheese/kens gdp/cherry pie) - 32grams ( 1.5g of oil )

Sour Diesel Buds: ( 8grams ) - 1.2grams
Sour Diesel Trim - Amber ( 6grams ) - .5g