Places You Been, Things You hve done


bud bootlegger
8235_1215760961651_1457652134_30603024_5123004_n.jpg8232_1220555240680_1432904856_30621079_1087885_n.jpg8235_1215743721220_1457652134_30602985_3735729_n.jpg8235_1215761001652_1457652134_30603025_5761727_n.jpg8235_1215760921650_1457652134_30603023_1155864_n.jpg8235_1215761121655_1457652134_30603028_7605616_n.jpg8235_1215761321660_1457652134_30603033_7103811_n.jpg8235_1215761041653_1457652134_30603026_7716606_n.jpg8235_1215761401662_1457652134_30603034_5854869_n.jpg8235_1215757641568_1457652134_30603022_6132405_n.jpgsorry.. i had to find some of mine since most of my pix got lost when my last laptop took a dump on me.. i had some on my facebook so i had to go there and save them and come back here and try and post some..
these are from italy... most of them are venice, and a couple from the circiut at monza for the formula one race..


bud bootlegger
Just got back from my cabin in Big Bear

Watch on 720p
that was pretty sweet.. i wish i could snowboard like that.. i thought i would be fairly good at it being that i was a skateboarder for years, but i was on my ass more than i was on the snow..