Wild Tomato

Hello forum!
I have few questions about the soil "royal mix" of Plagron, and the structure of it... My new grow, im using this soil, and the soil is expencive and all, but it seems kinda crapy- forgive me if im wrong!
My young WWs, old about 2-3 weeks are planted in this soil, and evry time i water them water just go trough the pot. Almost all of it! :'(

Ive read the instructions of the soil, and before i planted my WWs, i mixed the soil with alot of water and let it "mix" for few hours...as the instructions said.
Now- when i check my plants to water them soil looks "tight" and when watering water just run off trough it, or around it... I have to put little water, then wait 5min, then again, and few timesthat way to get my soil wet... Is that normal?

Tyvm! :-)

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
not a soil grower but cut it 50/50 with some coco if you want it to hold more water when you pot up??

also id water it and let it mix for at least 24hrs to get things going a week if i had time!

Wild Tomato

I was thinking to mix it with something, but its alredy mixed with coco, perlite, humus, worm casting...etc, etc... Thats why i thought theres no need... :-/

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
yea but if its not what you want you have to change it to suit you.

is it a pro mix, as in for professional gardeners??

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
if your not a professional you may not be able to use it to its full potential, that also explains why it drains so fast! p.s all dirt contracts from the sides of pots you need to rake the top over occasionally!


Active Member
I was thinking to mix it with something, but its alredy mixed with coco, perlite, humus, worm casting...etc, etc... Thats why i thought theres no need... :-/
Old thread, but still will reply for newcomers. The Royal Mix has no COCO in it, no idea where you got that from! It has White peat moss, black peat moss, peat moss fibre, perlite, worm castings. Manufacturer recommends washing the soil a bit for flushing off immediately absorbable nutrients.

Plus, yes, water will activate your microlife in the soil. This soil has 6 weeks worth of food. NPK ratio is 1-2-1