Plan B - Indoor Grow


Active Member

Started a really good outdoor grow but have to switch to an indoor grow.

My plants are 10 healthy 4-5 inch indica hybrids currently vegging. And...we are card carrying medical marijuana patients - so the only stealth I'm concerned about is that which keeps pesky neighbors from harvesting my plants early.

what do you guys think of these combo mh/hps kits from HTG. It's a hood/balast kit that works with either bulb and comes with one of each. Is 400 sufficient for 3-4 plants or should I go 600?

Should I supplement the MH with CFL's? Should I just get the HPS and veg with CFLs and/or T5's or T8's?

I don't want to spend a TON of money but I also don't want to waste any money when I have to keep going out and adding more.



Active Member
You should figure out just how big your flowering chamber will be before buying lights, if you are really putting forethought into it. I'm using 2 150s and 2 26w cfls in my flower box with 3 bushes and 5 clones, its very tight but it works. You could do all sorts of things.

You could select your females and bonsai them in a very small room and get lots of clones every few weeks. I'd spend the $ for some a few 400w hps lights.

But I guess it all depends on what you want to do, do you want a few big plants, lots of big plants? Sog? I think about this stuff almost all the time, growing is on my mind, it's mind boggling sometimes all the options we have when it comes to indoor growing.