Planet X, Niribu, and the Anannuki


Well-Known Member
I have been doing a lot of reading about planet x after hearing about it from a friend. It sounds plausible but just like most history, it is hard to prove, but interesting. I would like to hear what you think. Check out this video Planet X. Also you can google Planet X, Niribu or 2012 prophecy.


New Member
I have an issue of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, and there is an article dedicated to debunking the Nibiru/Planet X/2012 thing. This is an exact copy of the article ... I found it very satisfying when I read it in the magazine.

The myth of Nibiru and the end of the world in 2012: an astronomer tries to counter misinformation on the Internet about claims of a supposed rogue planet and an impending catastrophe, encountering troubling credulity, scientific illiteracy, and cons

This is a good read if you're interested in such things... It's pretty much unrelated to Nibiru ... But way more interesting than that...

This is the intro to the Andromedan Compendium.

AC: Hello, I'm Alex Collier. In the last 31 years I have been given so much information, that I would ask you to write down your questions, otherwise it may not be brought up. There are some positive aspects to the information, and there is some information that is not very positive. There is absolutely nothing we cannot resolve, if we stick together. What I mean by that is that we don't turn on each other. To have us turn on each other is definitely something that they are trying to get us to do - to divide us.

The problems in the world that we have on the government level are just a symptom of a much bigger problem. I believe it was Bill Cooper, much to his credit, who said several years ago - when you put the ET's in the middle of this thing, it absolutely makes sense. He's absolutely right. I am going to be presenting the Andromedan perspective as to what is going on, who we are, and some material about our past history They have comments about all of our history.

I have been a contactee for 31 years. I has not been consistent for 31 years, but it has been consistent since 1985. The first contact was in the upper peninsula of Michigan in a place called Woodstock. In 1964 I was on a family picnic. I went out to play with cousins, and I laid on the grass. The next thing I remember is that it was night time. They could not find me. I had missing time. I did not remember anything until age 14. We went back to the area where I had been sleeping. My body print was there. My mom, dad and a Michigan State Trooper swore up and down that they had looked for me. I wasn't there. So, it was one of those dilemma's.

At age 14, I went to bed on a normal August night. I woke up and found myself on a platform. There were two men standing over me, a short one and a very tall one. They were both very handsome. On a soul-level, I had absolute recognition of who they were. The tall one, Morenae, had light blue skin. Vissaeus, the shorter one, was much older, and his skin was whitish, having lost most of the blue pigmentation.

The Andromedans are a very very old race. Apparently, all of the human race comes from Lyrae. There is a lot of information about this. Billy Meier also talks about it. The human race did not originally exist in Lyrae - it came from some other galaxy but first began to evolve in our galaxy in the Lyran system. According to the Andromedans, there are over 135 billion human beings in the 8 galaxies closest to ours. Now, there are also other races out there. Some of these races have had a lot of conflicts with the human race, and that conflict continues. But, there are things that are happening that will hopefully alleviate that problem. It comes down to philosophies, more than anything else.

The Andromedans are a telepathic race. Morenae, over the last ten years, has learned to use his vocal chords. The reason that the newsletter here is called Letters From Andromeda, is because the first words that Morenae said to me when I went on board one time were "another letter". He was trying to convey the idea of "meeting", and had been trying to search for the word. The Andromedans care really deeply about what is going on, and a lot of it apparently has to do with who we are as souls, who we are genetically, and it also has to do with the future - a future in which we will probably be in other physical forms. We're talking about the future between now and 357 years from now.

and the Contents - The Andromedan Compendium

Just thought this was a good opportunity to share. It's more than likely mythical, but it's cool to think that it could be real.


well, i chose not to believe it

i guess we will all find out in a few years, if i start seeing a giant orb in the sky im gonna go all anarchist and spread the word.... that that son of a bitch is coming closer and closer


(assuming this was real which i dont think it is)

once the united states public found out that thier government did not warn them at all of the coming doom, would proceed to overthrow them, just in time for the world to end in a very firey, then a very cold doom


New Member
If you read that article, then you'd be foolish to believe it. The foundation of the myth is based on uncredited misinformation. The longer things spread, the higher the bullshit pile gets.


Well-Known Member
The ancient sumarians depicted this planet and all of the other planets in our solar system a long long time ago.
Nibiru or planet x does exist.

As to wether it will pass near enough to our own orbit in 2012 is for the layman only speculative information and based on the fact that the mayan calendar ends at that date.

If the planet does pass to close to our own many of us will die for sure.
It is also obvious that no government would tell the masses for the reason that many people would panic.

We will just have to wait and see and remember to always try to enjoy every day like it might be our lastbongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
It is like playing telephone. That article was interesting, so was the Andromedan read. I noticed that a lot of events over in our past seem to happen or will happen in December, during the winter solstice. I may need to return to my planet if all is not well in 2012 or 2013.:joint:


Well-Known Member
The ancient sumarians depicted this planet and all of the other planets in our solar system a long long time ago.
Nibiru or planet x does exist.

As to wether it will pass near enough to our own orbit in 2012 is for the layman only speculative information and based on the fact that the mayan calendar ends at that date.

If the planet does pass to close to our own many of us will die for sure.
It is also obvious that no government would tell the masses for the reason that many people would panic.

We will just have to wait and see and remember to always try to enjoy every day like it might be our lastbongsmilie:eyesmoke:
Yup they have accurate descriptions of the planets also as far as color and size go. I also read that referring to Nibiru as planet x is inaccurate because nasa names objects that may be planets "planet x". I agree that many people will die if it passes near our planet. The effects that it will have on our gravitational pull will surely casue some probs


Well-Known Member
OK OK I watched a few of these clips. Now what. What are we supposed to do? What the feck is the purpose of all this shit? Am I supposed to go and find religion now? Pray a shit load. Quit my job? Feck, buy me a mansion I can't afford and live like a rock star? Again, what's the fecking point? If they really think shit's going to happen shut the feck up.


Well-Known Member
OK OK I watched a few of these clips. Now what. What are we supposed to do? What the feck is the purpose of all this shit? Am I supposed to go and find religion now? Pray a shit load. Quit my job? Feck, buy me a mansion I can't afford and live like a rock star? Again, what's the fecking point? If they really think shit's going to happen shut the feck up.
It is just interesting. Thats all. I know you have wondered about the origins of life, aliens, any of that type of shit. Another interesting video is one called what the bleep do we know. That talks about physics and stuff. None of this shit scares me or really makes me think the world will end, i am not doing any of that crazy spend carelessly, sin sin sin, etc. I am just going to keep on livin high.:joint:


Well-Known Member
It is just interesting. Thats all. I know you have wondered about the origins of life, aliens, any of that type of shit. Another interesting video is one called what the bleep do we know. That talks about physics and stuff. None of this shit scares me or really makes me think the world will end, i am not doing any of that crazy spend carelessly, sin sin sin, etc. I am just going to keep on livin high.:joint:
Hey nothing with you brother. I was venting at the producers. Come on, you got to admit they are taking it over the top.


Well-Known Member
Hey nothing with you brother. I was venting at the producers. Come on, you got to admit they are taking it over the top.
I did not mean to sound angry, i understood what you were doing. I also agree with you about them taking it over the top. It is some sort of scare tactic to get us to go out and spend money thinking we can prevent whatever may happen. They did it with y2k, the media preys on peoples fear.