

Well-Known Member
Haha. If they want to commit murder I suppose I cant stop them. But them using my tax $ to do something I cant stand is fucked up. Abortion stops a beating heart!!!


New Member
Planned parenthood is about more than abortion. Women can go there for their yearly pap smear. I guess you men would be more understanding if you had to have your dick checked for cancer once per year.

Planned parenthood is also about birth control. They give out free condoms, you can get birth control pills from them.

Planned parenthood also does pre-natal exams, to help women with no health insurance have healthy babies.

THe planned parenthood near me does NOT do abortions, planned parenthood is about prevention FIRST and abortion is way down the list.

Those of you that think planned parenthood is only about abortion have never been in one, or you'd know better. Ignorance is no excuse.


New Member
I wish the supporters of Planned Parenthood would do a little research on their founder, Margaret Sanger.

On second thought, maybe they have done the research and agree with her. Yikes!



New Member
I wish people who were against planned parenthood had to have their penis checked once per year for cancer, without health insurance, then maybe we'd see how they feel about it.

If a woman has no health insurance and feels a bladder infection coming on, she can go to plannned parenthood and receive treatment. Going to an emergency room for the same issue would rack up a good 500 or more dollars, Planned parenhood will deal with the same issue for $20.

Planned Parenthood does so much more than abortion. It is their goal to educate so abortion will not be needed.

I want all you men who are against planned parenthood to start getting a prostate cancer check once per year. Let's see how those costs add up. I also want you men to go and flush 50 dollars per month down the toilet. That's what birth control pills cost with health insurance.

If you have a penis, planned parenthood is not for you so get to steppin'.


Active Member
Hey Miss,
Your talking about health insurance, bladder infections, prostate cancer, dollars and costs. I think murdering babies is a little bit of a bigger deal. I remember when I was a little kid I was at the babysitters house and she put me in front of the TV and played a undercover video of inside an abortion mill (Planned Parenthood) and I will never for the rest of my life forget watching moving crying little babies die in a sink and in a trash can. Sure.... Planned Parenthood rocks. I would never be such an idiot to think that you condone little babies being killed. I do think that like millions of people you are making an emotional decision when moral/rational logic is required.


New Member
You do know that not all planned parenthoods do abortions, only the ones in the really big cities. The one near me doesn't do them. The one 75 miles from me doesn't do them either. Only a few do abortions.

Riddle me this, which is better, aborting the baby, or giving birth and then neglecting, beating, and shaking it to death later? OH how about all those babies that are "forgotten" in hot cars and die every summer. There is one of those per day in the US.


Well-Known Member
Riddle me this, which is better, aborting the baby, or giving birth and then neglecting, beating, and shaking it to death later? OH how about all those babies that are "forgotten" in hot cars and die every summer. There is one of those per day in the US.
abortion may end a life, but i personally agree with miss here. its better than crack babies, neglected/unwanted children, and 14yr olds having kids that are just gonna get prego at 14 themselves.

lets analyze "planned parenthood" do you get just abortion from these two words.

yes, im not a woman, but i am an ONLY parent. thats right, NO MAMA HERE.


Well-Known Member
I still don't understand why this & so many other things like gay rights are one has the right to tell another person what to do...period.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, your babysitter was a sick fuck then, man.Really.I'll say this, as I';ve said before.Not every woman wants to give birth.Period.Better to have never lived than to die from neglect at a few months of age.
Hey Miss,
Your talking about health insurance, bladder infections, prostate cancer, dollars and costs. I think murdering babies is a little bit of a bigger deal. I remember when I was a little kid I was at the babysitters house and she put me in front of the TV and played a undercover video of inside an abortion mill (Planned Parenthood) and I will never for the rest of my life forget watching moving crying little babies die in a sink and in a trash can. Sure.... Planned Parenthood rocks. I would never be such an idiot to think that you condone little babies being killed. I do think that like millions of people you are making an emotional decision when moral/rational logic is required.
On point as usual, miss.
You do know that not all planned parenthoods do abortions, only the ones in the really big cities. The one near me doesn't do them. The one 75 miles from me doesn't do them either. Only a few do abortions.

Riddle me this, which is better, aborting the baby, or giving birth and then neglecting, beating, and shaking it to death later? OH how about all those babies that are "forgotten" in hot cars and die every summer. There is one of those per day in the US.