Plannin a nice room, need some help, intake,exhaust, ballasts etc.

Hong Chong

Active Member
I'm in the plannin stage of a little room, I know I want the full deal, carbon filter, perfect vent system, and so on, to help anyone out who can answer these questions, well say the room is about 8x8 or 10x10, I'm thinkin intake in the window bringin in fresh air? Then exhausted into another room and out that window. It'll have a couple 600's with a dual ballast. Ventilation system will be same as any other with a carbon filter. I also need to know what size of filter to use, maybe someone has a reference guide for that? So anyway thats what I'm thinkin for the room, with timers and all but heres my main questions;

1)What is the difference between passive and active intake? I read that passive has no intake fan and active has to be pretty precise but I need it layed out in simple form.

2)What is the differenece between a power fan and a blower? I think vortex is a power fan and Ive heard good things about it but whats the difference between that and the blowers? And why are the blowers so much cheaper? Are they used for intake or exhausting air?

3)What is a conversion bulb?

4)What is an environmental controller and where can I get one? I know they control things like lights and fans but I can't find too much info on em.

5)Can I get a dual (2-lamp) ballast that I can also switch from MH to HPS bulbs?

and finally, how hard is it to setup this setup, basically just hook the ballasts up to the lights and put them on a timer. And then also setup the intake and exhaust to the ducting and a carbon filter? Is it do-able for a person with no experience>?


Well-Known Member
enviromental control controls the enviroment in the room, moister, heat ect. you can get one from a local grow shop or order one form they are not cheap ranging from $180.00 to $770.00. you will still need timers for your lights. on lighting you should get at least 2 if not 3 600w mh/hps lights, switchable. switchable means you can flip a swich on the ballast from mh to hps, between growth and flowering. ive seen the daul ballast but i dont think its switchable. if your going to devote this much effot i would go with 2 ballasts. go with the vortex as you exaust. make sure you mach the cfm with the carbon filter. a blower is fin for you air intake. all this is pretty simple to hook up. look up growing marijuana on google and it will take you to hundreds of different grow rooms. gather what you want and make it a project... you will be happy once you put it all together...if i was unclear or you need more info keep posting...

Hong Chong

Active Member
yeah no doubt, I know about matching CFM and the complex side of the air movement through vents but is the blower for intake and power fan for exhaust? or can a vortex fan be used for intake OR exhaust?
I think I'm gonna stay away from the environmental control for now, I want complexity to a minimum until I clearly understand the full workings and get used to the room.
For the ballast I was hopin there would be a switchable dual ballast, it would save me some money rather than spend 500 on 2 electronic switchables. So thats my only option for ballasts I suppose? Either spend 500 on switchables or buy 2 duals? Thats a bit depressing I was hoping to save money that way on expensive ass ballasts. Also whats the conversion bulb? and how about the passive and active intakes? Whats the dif.?


Well-Known Member
i got my 400whps swictchable for 150. there is a dual 600w hps for $374 in the link i sent. unfortunatly you would loose the bennifits of switchin mh/hps. and ya vortex for exhuast and blower for intake. suck as much air out as you can!

Hong Chong

Active Member
Aight cool. Is it an electronic ballast you got? cause Im not buyin a magnetic, 150-175 would be great if I could find 2 switchable 600W's. even 200 a ballast would be aight.

Hong Chong

Active Member
so what is a remote ballast, is that electronic? Ive found some sites with lumatek and galaxy electronics but then the rest of the ballast companies have remote ballasts, that just another word for electronic?


Well-Known Member
so what is a remote ballast, is that electronic? Ive found some sites with lumatek and galaxy electronics but then the rest of the ballast companies have remote ballasts, that just another word for electronic?
All it means when the say remote ballast is that it is not a part of the light and reflector, in can be either digital or not, they will tell you if it is, it will say remote Digital ballast. They are trying to let you know that you will be able to put part of the furnace in another room, as long as you get a cord long enough. Now, lets go back and see if we can break some of this down. VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm in the plannin stage of a little room, I know I want the full deal, carbon filter, perfect vent system, and so on, to help anyone out who can answer these questions, well say the room is about 8x8 or 10x10, I'm thinkin intake in the window bringin in fresh air? Then exhausted into another room and out that window. It'll have a couple 600's with a dual ballast. Ventilation system will be same as any other with a carbon filter. I also need to know what size of filter to use, maybe someone has a reference guide for that? So anyway thats what I'm thinkin for the room, with timers and all but heres my main questions;

1)What is the difference between passive and active intake? I read that passive has no intake fan and active has to be pretty precise but I need it layed out in simple form.
Sounds like you have it in simple form. Passive intake should be twice the size of your active exhaust. Active intake should be slightly less than you active exhaust. If you blow more air in then you pull out, it will flow out of every crack and avoid your carbon filter, not good. The size of the filter and fan are determined by the cubic feet in the room so mulitply your height by the sq.ft. to get cu.ft., the manufactureres will tell the capacity.

2)What is the differenece between a power fan and a blower? I think vortex is a power fan and Ive heard good things about it but whats the difference between that and the blowers? And why are the blowers so much cheaper? Are they used for intake or exhausting air?
Blower usually refers to a fan the is not 'inline', your furnace and air conditioner use 'blowers'. 'Inline' fans come in three different flavors, axial, Centrifical and Mixed flow or Vortex (which I think is a trademark name?). If you look at a side view of all three fans you can see a Vortex or mixed flow fan is an axial fan mounted in a chamber with smaller ducts on both ends. This additional fan size, mounted in the smaller duct creates air pressure. In order to put this all together and have it be relatively quite, they do have to build in some quality. The blowers are cheaper because they cost less to build. They are designed to pull air into the sides and blow it out the front.

3)What is a conversion bulb?
its a bulb that will work in a different type of ballast, an example would be a HPS Conversion bulb, This bulb would work in a MH ballast.

4)What is an environmental controller and where can I get one? I know they control things like lights and fans but I can't find too much info on em. controls the environment. Hydro shop.

5)Can I get a dual (2-lamp) ballast that I can also switch from MH to HPS bulbs?
My question would be why would you want too. If you are going to set up a 10 x 10 grow room you will not need mh lights. They will be a waste of money, IMO. Al B Fuct is harvesting 3# a month or more from a room that size with 2-1000 watt air cooled lights a 400watt hps for the mothers and 3-2bulb 18watt floros over the clones. You will not want to be running four tables too harvest from vegging all at once and then starting over will you??

and finally, how hard is it to setup this setup, basically just hook the ballasts up to the lights and put them on a timer. And then also setup the intake and exhaust to the ducting and a carbon filter? Is it do-able for a person with no experience>?
All of what you are discussing here is fine, setting up the air handling sytem is overlooked by a lot of folks until they have to deal with the heat issues. That is only one of the components of the physical plant you need. The others are the electric, plumbing and sewer systems. You will want these all in place before you start throwing a few lights in there. I recommend a minumum of one (20 amp) circuit for each big light, and at least 4 circuits not dedicated to lights. 20amp circuits need 12ga wire which will be more efficient than the 14ga normally used for lights in a residential structure. And will supply enough to run a fan or a pump etc. with out blowing the breaker. Its take more than a few gallons of water to run this type of operation. You will not want to be hauling buckets and having hoses laying around on the floor. And of course there will be some water your done with that needs to be gotten out of the room.

I would suggest you take a look at some journals posted by folks that have set up this type of operation, many include pictures. And there are other options for lights you may want to consider, that is a whole other subject at this point.
Yep, its doable by a person with no growing experience:hump:, as long as you have knowledge of plumbing, electric, air handling, pumps, etc. or know where to get the information. Rollitup posted setups for grow rooms from simple to professional that may help you visualize all of this better, may want to look for that one. VV:-?:blsmoke:

Hong Chong

Active Member
aight thanks mane, i jsut skimmed through all that for now, ill go back and read it carefully when i got time tommorow, ill prolly have a couple more questions then, thanks


Well-Known Member
i myself have 2x600 watt lumateks on a light mover in an 8x8. the light hoods are air cooled, and i have 6 inch duct boosters attached to the flanges of the hood. the hoods stay super cool. i have a 10 inch vortex and booster fan assist at the corner, and a passive intake with filter fabric to catch large dust particles. . i have no humidity issues, or heat issues. if you ask me, i think anyone that wants to do a medium-small sized grow should go that route. theres no smell in the whole apartment, and i have less need for an A/C with all the moving air from outside passing through.

Hong Chong

Active Member
5)Can I get a dual (2-lamp) ballast that I can also switch from MH to HPS bulbs? My question would be why would you want too. If you are going to set up a 10 x 10 grow room you will not need mh lights. They will be a waste of money, IMO. Al B Fuct is harvesting 3# a month or more from a room that size with 2-1000 watt air cooled lights a 400watt hps for the mothers and 3-2bulb 18watt floros over the clones. You will not want to be running four tables too harvest from vegging all at once and then starting over will you??
yeah, thats sort of hard to understand, couple spelling mistakes that are throwing the entire paragraph off, but I think you are thinking that I will be using 2 dual ballasts. I'm jsut talkin about 1 dual ballast (so 2 bulbs) that can switch from MH to HPS. I will not be runnning 4 tables. Just 2x600W MH's for veg, then switch em to 2 HPS's for flower. All from seed obviously. i will setup a clone room later but for now thats the least of my worries. I need to find someone who would setup this room. Someone trustworthy and reliable. I cant jsut hire an electrician to come set my shit up, thats heat, because when the time comes for this little project, I don't want any construction mistakes, I want this done right the first time so I can sail smooth, know what im sayin?

Hong Chong

Active Member
I also heard someone say they were using 2 vortexes, 1 for active intake and one to exhaust. Is this smart or is there a better way? should vortex only be used to exhaust or is it fine for both? ANDDD, would it be smarter to bring in air from a window and exhaust into the next room or bring in air from another room and exhaust out the window?