Planning my indoor grow and would like some advice


Active Member
Hey all. As the title states I am in the planning stage of my indoor grow and would like to get some feedback, specifically on cooling, but all topics are welcome for discussion.

My current plans are to build a completely sealed grow room in my attic space. The dimensions of the entire room will be 12' x 15' x 7'. This entire enclosed space will be further segregated into breeding, vegetative and flowering sections, with perhaps a storage area (have not decided on this yet).

The entire blueprint of the room is still in flux at this point, but as of right now I am planning on a 6' X 6' breeding room, a 6' X 6' vegetative room and a 9' X 9' bud room.

I plan on using a MH/HPS setup with two 600 watt lights in the bud room, and one each 1000 watt light for the breeding and vegetative rooms. I will run a sealed air exchange system from the outside of the house to cool the lights and will vent the heated air into my garage.

Since this is a controlled grow environment I will have to add CO2, and have yet to determine what method I will go with. Right now I am leaning towards a propane based system on an automatic system.

Obviously with the lighting, CO2 system, humidifier (if the air conditioning unit does not perform this task), and heat from the fan motors I will need a good air conditioning system. While I like the water-cooled air conditioning units, the appear to be prohibitively expensive.

So, what system would you folks recommend, and what BTU rating should I install? I would love to get your feedback.


Active Member
Bumping this back up. I know this is not the indoor grow forum, but I have gotten some of the best advice from the people who frequent this part of RIU.


for flowering you should make atleast 2 seperate rooms or change the size a little like 10x8 so you got 2 sides to work wth 2lights on each side coverin 8x3 or 8x4 on each side with a 4-2ft walk way inthe middle to work with plus u prolly wont need a humidifier ull need a DEhumidifier especialy when it comes flower time


Active Member
questions about your questions... are you really in need of a 6x6 breeding room? are you going for quality or quantity? will you be able to run one set of fans for ac the other for venting hot air? it sounds like you've got a good idea coming, but i am still wondering what you are looking for in terms of your room...


Active Member
Thanks for the input folks.

My current plans are to go ahead and build my entire grow area (will require some carpentry work on my part which is not an issue). The grow room will be a 15' X 12' area. A 3' X 9' area will be set aside for cloning/seedlings under T8 lighting. Also there will be a 3' X 3' sealed entry area that can be used for storage, shelving and other misc. needs. That will leave a 12' X 12' grow room that I am going to leave as one complete area. This 12' X 12' area will be filled with four 5' X 5' movable grow tables, giving me a total of 10' X 10' of grow space.

In order to ensure that I get any potential problems worked out in my first grow, I will only use half of the 10' X 10' area on my first grow (I plan on building the room and then partitioning half of it off with Visqueen). This will leave me with a 10' X 5' initial grow room that I can use to get "my feet wet".

For this 50 square foot area, I plan on running two rows of three 600W lights, giving me about 10.5K Lumens per square foot (72 watts per sq ft). This should be enough quality light to take light out of the picture.

I am going to run twin 645 cfm fans to cool the rows of lights, and a water-cooled CO2 machine which has yet to be determined.

My budget for the construction work, lighting, ducting, fans, CO2 burner, piping, poly, hangers, reflectors, ballasts, and other necessary equipment is $5K. With careful planning I should come in under that number, but that is what I have set aside for a 3600 watt grow.


Well-Known Member
Since you posted this in my forum I assume you wanted my input.
I think you have way to much light and without a freaking 6 chapter answer I will short cut and tell you that in our 10x10 we run 4000 watts on 5 foot squares using my soil and co2 and pull down 6 elbos on a good run.
This is done every 60 days like clockwork
You will need a second 10x10 to veg the plants in as well as a cloning area and dark room. The dark room needs climate control but can be like 4x4.

Can anyone guess what the dark room is for?



Well-Known Member
Since you posted this in my forum I assume you wanted my input.
I think you have way to much light and without a freaking 6 chapter answer I will short cut and tell you that in our 10x10 we run 4000 watts on 5 foot squares using my soil and co2 and pull down 6 elbos on a good run.
This is done every 60 days like clockwork
You will need a second 10x10 to veg the plants in as well as a cloning area and dark room. The dark room needs climate control but can be like 4x4.

Can anyone guess what the dark room is for?


i use a dark room for hanging my meds in after i cuts em down maybe this? lol


Well-Known Member
The dark room is used to manually bud plants or to finish up plants allowing free area in main bud room. Some times the bud room may not be ready and you have a taller plant you want to start budding or I place my plants in dark for 72 hours freeing up that area for new plants.



Well-Known Member
The dark room is used to manually bud plants or to finish up plants allowing free area in main bud room. Some times the bud room may not be ready and you have a taller plant you want to start budding or I place my plants in dark for 72 hours freeing up that area for new plants.

For fun right now, I have one small clone of each of my Vortex pheno's as well as a Chemdawg clone (I had 100% success rate using your cloning technique Subcool....and I just didnt have the heart to throw the extras away) that I am growing under my skylights in natural sunlight and flowering with a small dark box. I am excited to see what the natural sun can do to them. Just wanted to share that because I had just literally built this dark box and I am having fun with it:) Everyone have a good day!


Well-Known Member
lol *slap on the head* shoulda though of that i have a 6x3 area for just that reason cause my lambsbread sharksbreath likes to stretch


Active Member
this is why i troll subs area most often... serious people with good ideas looking for ways to make things better... i never would have thought about the dark room... mostly i just push my plants till they're finished... what a great idea... and the idea about the dark room for curing, that is the way i usually go, but i use an underused closet... now once i get a whole room to play with (only a tent for now) i have the best idea for a setup... thanks sub, unnk, country... you guys rock...