Planning to drink and drive anytime soon?


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, I'm sure some of you have already seen this but for those of you that haven't, it's quite sobering.

I just received this through an email and I wanted to pass it along.


This needs to be passed around this holiday season to everyone who has the keys to a motor vehicle.

It is one of the most intense and powerful commercials, and it is spectacularly well crafted.

Australia should be complemented for having the guts to "show it like it is", getting this campaign out to all of its drivers by airing it nationwide on TV and in cinemas ... this will have a tremendous impact on all who see it.

Everyone please be safe out there this holiday season and any season for that matter.



Well-Known Member
Duno if its just me, but your video doesn't work. Way to support not drinking and driving though.

EDIT: Weird, now its working. musta been something wrong when i first loaded the page.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmmmm. I just clicked on it and it works for me. Is there anybody else having the same problem?

Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
Video worked for me, powerfull commercial, shit powerfull short movie. really got to me since i drive, ride a motorbike and was charged with dui about 3 yrs ago.

got out of work went to bar with some friends drank alot more then i should have, drove home, took some road i normally dont even drive on, ran up the curb and ended up between a big-o tree and a telephone pole. There was a fire truck there for some reason, they called the cops and i was booked and arrested. come to find out the police station was about 5mins aways. Dumbest,most embarrassing, scaryest situation of my life, and i do alot of risky thing, ride the motorbike fast,boardin doen some big mtn, a lil stoned,sky diving...nothing compared to this. just thinkin i could have died, i wouldnt even be here, my girl,friends, family, everyone would be hurt. i just thank god i didnt injure anyone. lost of licsence for 7 months,first offense, charged with, dui,reckless, and damageing private property.

im a mechanic so i drive every day at work, luckly didnt get fired, but didnt make any money for the period, i had to work with someone else. just a bad overall. Plz people be safe out there. i know we all drive a lil tipsy or stone and what not, but it really isnt worth it, at all.....i've got a buddy who is in jail right now for apperently hitting someone while driving drunk and high. there was no blood on the car but witnesses say he did it, he's been locked up for about a yr and half, and still waiting to go to trail. he "hit" someone who was kinda "famous" for being a tv show. i dont wanna say wat show and stuff. but ya know, smart kid, has a g/f and a daughter. just dumb thinkin that night.

DONT DRINK AND DRIVE, you'll hurt more people then you think,it'll cost you way to much $$$$, and is very embarasing.


Well-Known Member
I was driving home from the bar one night and of course I thought I was fine to drive. To make a long story short I was driving on a rainy night along a river road with lot's of curves on it. I was pissed off at girl "go figure" and taking my frustrations out on the road. Then all the sudden I fishtailed going into curve and lost control, slammed into a parked car and came within two feet of plowing through someone's living room. When I came out of the daze the steering column was laying in my lap. I tried to start the car to get the hell out of there and the owner of the house came out and said you aint going anywhere. That's because the car was totaled and leaking a full tank of gas all over their lawn. I was roughly 2 miles from home.

That experience woke me the hell up regarding drinking and driving. I could of serious injured or worse killed someone that night because I was drunk behind the wheel but thank goodness that didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
Let try to keep this thread going. Tell us your stories and experiences while driving drunk. Maybe we can prevent some deaths this year.


Well-Known Member
Im really ashamed to say it but ive had 4 dwi....the 3 one i got 5 years in the texas department of corrections..4th one i got lucky and only 2 months i county jail...come febuary i can get my license back after 3 years with out hoping i can due better this time....


Well-Known Member
Im really ashamed to say it but ive had 4 dwi....the 3 one i got 5 years in the texas department of corrections..4th one i got lucky and only 2 months i county jail...come febuary i can get my license back after 3 years with out hoping i can due better this time....
Consider yourself lucky brah. I've only had two DUI. The second was my story from a cpl of a posts back, in 1998. It was 30 days shy of 10 years since my last one. I got a 10 year suspended license and then got caught driving while suspended a cpl of years later. Right now I'm suspended for life and I haven't drove in over ten years. You don't know what you've got until it's gone for life. I could probably get it back but it's gonna cost me a lot of money I don't have.

When I hear stories of people such as yourself with 4 DUI compared to my two and are still eligible to get em back or already have them back. It just boggles my mind how this can be.

You'll be alright man, just don't drink and drive anymore. Take it from me, it just aint worth it.

Good luck and peace.


Well-Known Member
the last time i drank and drove, i left the bar feeling fine but as soon as i got behind the wheel i knew i wasn't good to drive. i pulled off anyway and realized i was in the wrong when i started taking the back roads to the crib. i got home safe, but swore not to do it anymore. the next time i was in a similar position, this time with my gf. she wanted me to take us home and i was like nah,nah. finally i came out and asked her if she wanted to die tonight...she got the picture and we got a room.


I guess its living in the woods, but I have a history of smashing ditches drunk..... try not to drink and drive anymore as I drink at home now, but about a yr and a half ago I left the bar at around 2, angry for something stupid.... did 75 to the house, and ended up blacking out around a curve and sliding through the ditch/woods for about 200ft, which snapped both back tires off the axles.... Walked the last 8miles home and got a tow truck.... never saw another car the whole time, so I lucked out with the police. That wasnt my worst story, but it is the most recent and the one that made me change my habits.... driving drunk used to be a passtime, but we all grow up at some point.


Well-Known Member
I've only driven drunk once, and I'll never do it again. Nothing bad happened but I was so paranoid the whole time it felt like my heart was going to pop out. I dont really drink all that much anyway but for those rare times, Ill take a taxi or something.


Well-Known Member
consider yourself lucky brah. I've only had two dui. The second was my story from a cpl of a posts back, in 1998. It was 30 days shy of 10 years since my last one. I got a 10 year suspended license and then got caught driving while suspended a cpl of years later. Right now i'm suspended for life and i haven't drove in over ten years. You don't know what you've got until it's gone for life. I could probably get it back but it's gonna cost me a lot of money i don't have.

When i hear stories of people such as yourself with 4 dui compared to my two and are still eligible to get em back or already have them back. It just boggles my mind how this can be.

You'll be alright man, just don't drink and drive anymore. Take it from me, it just aint worth it.

Good luck and peace.
im lucky that i haven't hurt or killed someone.....


Well-Known Member
been drunk driving since 16..not bragging, not saying it's cool. i used to drive when blacked out so often that being a lil buzzed to drive doesn't change my driving at all now. everyone always replies with "yea you THINK you can drive drunk", until they actually ride with me when im blacked out and they're sober or just high.

i dont drive wrecked or really drunk anymore, i'll drive after a few beers but now i call "deh ri" if i get really drunk. in korea, because alcohol is like jesus christ reincarnated, we have millions of "deh ri" numbers. you call them, they send a dude to your location, he drives your car while you're drunk as shit in the car back to your house. it's dumb cheap because theres so many of them. a 15 min car ride is 10 bucks. that beats a cab, subway (because everyone hates taking the fucking subway), anything..

but yes, drunk driving is bad. :(