Plans for a perpetual garden...


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I've been putting some thought into getting a perpetual garden going but I need home help... I have figured out a "plant flow" through my two 4'x3'x7' rooms (300w of T5&CFL's for Veg & 400W HPS for Flwr). I think I'm ok on the layout... its the cycles I'm having a bit of trouble with... I'll be growing in coco and in each cycle I want to have 1 each of White Widow, Blueberry & Strawberry Cough.

How do you think this diagram looks? Does it make sense? Is it even possible? and would the 1 month cycle work?? ...Thinking about it some more... it can probably drop down to 3 week cycles cant it???? Please... some advise would be great.. I wanna get this right the first time!! :hump::hump::hump:

(+rep for helpful answers btw)




Active Member
It looks like you have the right idea, just be sure that all of the different strains you're going to grow finish around the same time, otherwise it will f#ck up your rotation. Some strains finish in 8 weeks, some take up to 11 weeks or longer. Not all of us are fortunate enough to get it exactly righ the first time, especially when growing several different strains. It will probably take 1 or 2 grows to learn the traits of the strains and what to expect the next go around. 3 week cycles is possible but it all depends on how long your plants will be in the flower room, if they are not finished after week 8 then the plants in the veg room will have to stay there until some free space opens in the flower room. I'm doing a very similar set up except mine is inside a cabinet, growing Permafrost, Blackjack, and White Rhino under 400 watt HPS in the flower room and 150 watt CFL in the clone room and 150 watt CFL in the Veg room. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
OK realizing that if I had 3 "generations" of plants in the growroom it could extend the time plants can be flowering in there.. Might have to use slightly smaller pots but i think it might work... What say you all?

Thanks by the way JRP +rep




Well-Known Member
4 months for a plant.......???? screw that. i second what the other guy said .. .have all the plants get done around the same time. 9 weeks max.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess that doesnt make much sense.... how does this one look?? I figure I can actually fit 12 pots in the room... so I can do cycles of 4 plants.. Hopefully after flowering for a month I will be done in 2 additional months, but I know I will be growing some stains with a longer flowering time like blueberry and strawberry cough that I want to make sure i dont get backed up... a constant cycle of 4 plant... one month in veg... clone and restart 1 month of veg... meanwhile they will go to 12/12 hopefully for the 9 weeks depending on the strain. Sounds any better??

Really appreciate the help ...




I'm doing a perpetual grow myself. Either of the layouts you've drawn up will work.

It really comes down to a personal preference as to how often you would like to harvest. I'd rather harvest 6 plants at once then one every week. The different age in plants will make logging more complicated. your system will harvest just as much and be easier to keep track doing it with less cycles like i did.

I suggest vegging for 2 months and having 2 cycles and clones.
1. Clone veg room plants a week before harvesting the flowering room.
2. After harvesting the flowering room, move all vegging plants and transplant clones.

with a 400 watt MH in my veg and 400 HPS in flower, and 2 months of vegging, i'm gonna hatvest at least 8 ounces off of 4 plants. i can already tell.

I need to update my grow but go check it out. I explain it all.
I'm at 5 weeks flowering in the flowering room after vegging for 2-3 weeks. I love how things are going and wouldn't change a thing.