Plans for new hampshire pot decrim...........


Well-Known Member
Jan 23,2008 2:15 PM EST

Lawmakers considering plan to decriminalize small amounts of pot

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- A proposal to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana in New Hampshire has police testifying on both sides of the volatile issue.
The proposal is to make the possession of up to 1.25 ounces of marijuana a violation that carries a $200 fine, instead of a misdemeanor that can result in up to a year in jail and fines up to $2,500.
At a hearing on Tuesday, supporters, including a police officer and the superintendent of the Cheshire County Jail, said the war on drugs, especially on small amounts of marijuana, wastes resources and damages lives.
"Peaceful adults in possession of small amounts of marijuana do not harm others, but they do occupy our police, clog up our court system and take up space in our jails," Jail Superintendent Richard Van Wickler told the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.
But New Hampshire Police Chiefs Association President Peter Morency said the state should not condone marijuana use by ending any criminal sanction.
"Every drug dealer I've always talked to says it all started with the first joint," said Morency, police chief in Berlin.
"Don't do this," he pleaded.
One of the sponsors, Nashua Democrat Jeffery Fontas, told the committee drug charges do damage to young people later in life.
"Mistakes early in life, like a possession charge, can be devastating to the futures of our young people," said Fontas, who turned 21 a week ago.
Supporters said a single drug arrest can lead to the loss of a college scholarship, the ability to serve in the military, subsidized housing, federal welfare like food stamps and even the right to vote.
"It is a sensible, mild transition from our current policy that could reallocate state and local law enforcement resources more efficiently and could also very well end up preserving the futures of countless young people," Fontas added.
Attorney General Kelly Ayotte opposed the measure and Assistant Attorney General Karin Eckel said the bill, as written, also would decriminalize the sale of up to 1.25 ounces of marijuana.
"Some time ago, this Legislature chose to distinguish between possession and sale of this drug, and this would change that," Eckel warned.
If adopted, New Hampshire would become the 13th state to repeal criminalization of marijuana possession, starting with Oregon in 1973 and most recently Nevada, which passed its law in 2001.
Bradley Jardis, of Hooksett, a police officer in Rockingham County, supports the measure and considers the four-decade war on drugs a failure.
"There's a financial incentive for some from law enforcement to oppose this bill as their very own job is financed by this war that can't be won," Jardis said.
come on new hampshire... i live in the state and if this happens its just a step closer to legalization. LIVE FREE OR DIE.......right?


Well-Known Member
I just think it is bull crap that it isnt legal. It does not hurt any one and causes way less problems than alcohol does. It just doesnt add up.


Well-Known Member
its crazy man but what i figure is that if you can have up to 1.25 and only get fined $200 then its gonna be more accepted. and you wont find cops lookin to bust you for that, but thats just what i hope.