Plant Burn = Early Harvest

Hey i no this question has been asked many times on here but out in a different way, But anyway today i checked out my plant ( Blue Cheese ) and one of the lights had fell on one side of the plant. It only burned one brance and unfortuantly it was falling off so i just took it off and now i want to no a way that i might be able to smoke it maybe tonight or tomorrow and i no i wont get the full effects because it wont be cured for a long period of time and the ealy harvest. So i just want to no a quick way to dry and cure the one bud.. Thanks if you can help.

Ps. Sorry about my bad spelling, School was never my strong point :weed:


i threw some in a brown lunch bag and into the nuke machine on the lowest setting for 2 minutes. it was harsh to smoke but bombed me the fuk out. didnt' last that long either. but if the final result is better when done the long way... i'll be very impressed with this strain.
Well at the moment i just have it in a bit of tissue on our range, Its not too hot at all and later im thinking of putting it in a jar for maybe a day or 2? Its only a small bud so im not really that bothered i just want a tester since iv never had blue cheese before. But the actual plant is going great the hairs are just starting to turn red so im thinkin maybe another 2 or 3 weeks possibly even 4 as i want this to be some good ass weed with a nice harvest, And im planning on curing for 1-2 weeks aswell as drying. Btw i forgot to mention its a organic plant i didnt use and nutes just fresh water + river water and fishtank water. It did the job as i didnt want to use nutes.


Well-Known Member
if your just looking to smoke it up real quick set your oven to 200 and let that shit set in there for 20 min or so. thats what I have done
For anyone who might want to no, I harvested too early. The smoke was terrible it tasted like weed a bit but no stoned off it i just kinda got a headeache it was not good at all. My idea of cheese just went down the shitter as it was not worth the grow..


sorry to hear that man hope your next grow will be a bit better and that u woant get the same problem agian


smoking before the curing process is pointless, yes u can put it in the oven as mentioned above, but in honesty it tastes like crap just isn't worth it. IF you want good smoke you gotta wait, dry properly and cure for natleast 3 weeks to a month. If you want good smoke.. I have done exactly what u have done many times, if I really need to try it out just put it the oven 185 till crispy and then jar it for a couple days in a dark spot and burp every half day or so.