Plant burn???


So i nuted my plants yesterday at 5 weeks flowering with all 3 nutes from fox farm. Yesterday before i did it they were pretty dry and they drank it right up with no effects but when i woke up this morning and checked on them alot of the water leaves/shade leaves had burnt partially at least thats what it looks like. All the leaves around the bud hasn't changed but the bigger leaves aren't looking to hot. what should i do if they are burnt? i am growing in soil is there a way i can flush them or will they be alright?


Well-Known Member
Need pics and way more info. FoxFarms has at least 8 products in its basic nute line. Which ones? How much of each? Ect..... One thing I can say. If your plants are pretty dry and due for a feeding. Just water them a few hours before feeding with just phed water. Get the medium moist before hitting them with nutes. That way the thirst has been quenced before downing a few beers! LOL, picking up what I just layed down?


Need pics and way more info. FoxFarms has at least 8 products in its basic nute line. Which ones? How much of each? Ect..... One thing I can say. If your plants are pretty dry and due for a feeding. Just water them a few hours before feeding with just phed water. Get the medium moist before hitting them with nutes. That way the thirst has been quenced before downing a few beers! LOL, picking up what I just layed down?
That makes since on the prewater for the nuting process. I thought about that earlier today when I saw it had happened. I am using the fox farm grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom. I have 3 plants and i used a 1/4tsp of each one in 2 gallons of water. I used both gallons on 3 plants evenly dispersing between them. I went way below the recommended doseage on the fox farm site and on the bottle so idk what i could've done. I dont have the capabilities of posting pics until i get my new computer in about 2 weeks or i would have posted. Sry for the no pic situation thanks for the info. So i assume theres no flushing or is it possible?


Well-Known Member
its a little late now but if you have some clearex of something like it you could give them that.if not just give them plain water next feeding..this is the whole reason i don't do soil anymore, with my hempy bucket i can just add plain water as soon as i see a sign of nute burn and i can catch it in time to not do any is my train wreck
pic 1 feb 26 going into flower room
pic 2 mar 15 i notice nute burn starting about 2hrs after i watered it.
pic3 mar 15 i gave it a gallon of plain water,some tips are brown and the edges turning yellow..
pic4 mar 25 it did not get very bad buds got bigger and leaves still look ok. i lost a few big fan leaves from normal n2 def but i'm adding a little n2 from now on to see if i can stop it from happening.



Well-Known Member
i grow in 3 gallon buckets full of perlite. get a plastic mop bucket or waste bucket ,can't be clear,.(walmart has 2 gallon square ones for $2) put a 7/16 hole(about the size of a pencil) in it 2 inches from the bottom , fill the bucket with perlite (walmart bag fills a 3 gallon bucket perfect $7) put your seedling or clone right into it and water can just bury the rockwool starter or peat puck in the perlite..this is mimicing your roots hitting ground water,its like a soil hydro mix kind so easy to grow this way i will never do soil ever again..i ph my water to 5.8 but 5.6-6 is good i use low nutes for veg like 200ppm every other water or 2.for flowering 600ppm every first add a cup or 2 of water every day (keeps the top wetter until the roots grow to the bottom) then you can top it off until you get water at the hole 2 inches from the bottom,you can water every day or once a week just don't let the bottom get too dry,its that easy.if you add too much nutes and start seeing nute burn just add a gallon of nuteless water and its fixed..anything else just pm me


ok that sounds pretty simple if i understand correctly ur saying just fill it up with perlite and the reason i keep hole 2 inches from the bottom is b/c i want to keep water in there up to that point or no? i would pm u but i dont know how if you didn't notice im a newbbbbb.i keep looking for the private message thing but i'm pretty bad at looking for shit so im more than likely not guna find it.oh yea and what exactly is PPM and how would i measure it. i kno ppm is parts per million but i dont understand what i am suppose to do there. OH YEA and what if instead of a bucket you went to say wal-mart or where ever and bought one of those pots that has the watering whole about 2 inches from the bottom of it? would that be the same idea or no?
that is a good idea if i wanna grow like this its just perlite and nutes? cos i just topped my plant and its started dying dont know how cos it was doing well till i cut the top off now all big leaves are dying on me?? my first grow
105 watt 6500k cfl
ph 6.5
nutes bio bizz 1ml per ltr
temp 22c