Plant + Cat = :(


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

Long story short, the cat got into my growing room, droping my oldest plant to the ground snaping it in two.

Any chance of recovery if I "replant" the top part (leaves, buds...)




Well-Known Member
That sucks man if it has bad as it sounds I doubt it, The shock should kill the plant for sure, but you could try it. Doesnt hurt to try right?


Asshole Patrol
You're probably better off starting with a fresh plant... If she does survive, the time it will take her to recover from the shock of the injury will be long enough that you could have another very healthy plant...

These things grow fast enough... :-)

Sorry to hear that though... I'm so fucking cautious with my cat. She's a sneaky little fucker, and would easily level my ladies given the chance to get close to them... I got her very own little pot of catnip just to keep her away from mine. So far so good...


New Member
I totally agree with this guy here. I have a cat and she knocked two of my plants off the deck last summer. One died but the other was merely a match stick with 2 of the tiniest little nodes on it so I kept it. It was in limbo from shock for ages but since it was outside I had nothing to loose. It turned about to grow about 4 feet and was the best bud out of all my plants last summer.

Now my indoor she got into and knocked off a few containers. One sprout got knocked out and seriously I could probably pop in a seed and grow one faster than that thing is doing right now.:roll:

I hate killing anything BUT I think this one is going. :neutral::?

If there is enough growth left in the bottom and you have the room, I'd give it a go. :peace:

You're probably better off starting with a fresh plant... If she does survive, the time it will take her to recover from the shock of the injury will be long enough that you could have another very healthy plant...

These things grow fast enough... :-)

Sorry to hear that though... I'm so fucking cautious with my cat. She's a sneaky little fucker, and would easily level my ladies given the chance to get close to them... I got her very own little pot of catnip just to keep her away from mine. So far so good...


Well-Known Member
How big was the plant? how long into flowering was it? You may be able to use the top to clone.

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
You got to grow some catnip and cat grass out away from your grow. It will totally distract the cat from even wanting to mess with the weed. My cat goes in my grow room all the time just to chill in the warmth after he gets all ripped on his catnip plants : He never messes with anything in there...