Plant damage


Well-Known Member
Just hoping someone can give me some insight into what kind of critter might have caused this. Found a big branch of my Agent Orange dead today and the stalk had this damage.

My guess is some kind of stalk boring looks like the damage continues up inside the stem but I split it open and didn't find any bugs.

Thanks =/



Well-Known Member
Just hoping someone can give me some insight into what kind of critter might have caused this. Found a big branch of my Agent Orange dead today and the stalk had this damage.

My guess is some kind of stalk boring looks like the damage continues up inside the stem but I split it open and didn't find any bugs.

Thanks =/
not good pics, do you have rabbits near? I've had rabbits strip the outer layer of plants. Just a thought..:weed:


Well-Known Member
Just hoping someone can give me some insight into what kind of critter might have caused this. Found a big branch of my Agent Orange dead today and the stalk had this damage.

My guess is some kind of stalk boring looks like the damage continues up inside the stem but I split it open and didn't find any bugs.

Thanks =/
Hello Angus-
Thanks for putting me in the right direction on switching from FF Grow Big to BMO products.
There was a thread i read about some guy who grew last year, everything looked good, then on day the plant started looking bad, then worse, then it just died.
He tried again this year, and the same thing happened. He researched further, and discovered a "bore hole" in his plant. he opened it up and found the bug doing the damage. He identified it and posted a photo from another source of that bug on that thread. I will look to see if i can find that thread.
Sounds to me like the same problem.

Hope that puts you in the right direction, and thanks again for your BMO help!

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Just hoping someone can give me some insight into what kind of critter might have caused this. Found a big branch of my Agent Orange dead today and the stalk had this damage.

My guess is some kind of stalk boring looks like the damage continues up inside the stem but I split it open and didn't find any bugs.

Thanks =/
I got 3 plant that have little holes in them where something spit out the eggs from this critter. all of them have holes about 16'' from the top of plants, but they look healthy as hell and in serious bud. this happened about a month ago. I am doing nothing about it either. sorry about yours Angus.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man....its no big loss or anything but if more branches or god forbid other plants start being affected then it could be a problem. Old man says it's cut worms...whatever it was ate all the green matter out of the inside of the stem.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
had to cut open the stalks and take them out. All the stems I cut I just wrapped together with garden tape and they were good.

EDIT: The stalks got all fat and distorted from the bastards. So they are easy to spot.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
had to cut open the stalks and take them out. All the stems I cut I just wrapped together with garden tape and they were good.

EDIT: The stalks got all fat and distorted from the bastards. So they are easy to spot.
so far, mine look great and can't see any negative effect from them. been a month or longer since I first see this.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
If you have what I did then Your buds will rot from the inside out. Takes a bit for it to happen. The only thing you can do is cut them out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies everyone and especially the pics. NL, did they just quit bothering you or did you take any action against them other than killing the ones you saw? Those look like the bud worms I had to fight a bit last year...for some reason I figured this was something different but that hole does look pretty similar to yours....maybe I should treat w/ some BT?

From the way mine was scarred compared to your entry wound I guess that they've been eating for a day or two unnoticed. I sprayed w/ neem and I guess I'll grab some BT and just stay vigilant.

Thanks again everyone for the replies.

EDIT: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to northeastern lights again.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Bt will only work as a offence.

Your only defence once they are in is to cut them out.

I am starting to spray this week as a preventive.


Well-Known Member
Bt will only work as a offence.

Your only defence once they are in is to cut them out.

I am starting to spray this week as a preventive.

he's right, just like squash vine borers they are very hard to prevent until they actually have done some damage. You will have to take a clean, very sharp knife and cut a slit. carefully remove the worm(s), there maybe me more than one. I would use something to help keep pressure on the stalk afterwards, and to help prevent infections or infestations in the wound. maybe duct tape?

one good way to know if it's insect or animal, is frass aka insect debris. the mushy shit built up around the hole.


Well-Known Member
It looks nothing like a worm did this to me. Looks like something chewed on it to me. An animal?


Well-Known Member
Wat eva it waz it waz fungry hungry. Looks more like an insect would be capable of this idk guessin something that flys wateva it is itz taken iz toll on such a beautiful plant i would spray sum bug shit around it and tape up dat baby so it can live


Well-Known Member
I checked it today and another branch had been scarred like the first one, but it wasn't deep enough to allow whatever was doing the chewing to enter the stalk. This was one the main stem. I really don't want to lose this whole plant its my only agent I moved it, sprayed the stems down with some organic pesticide I picked up, and wrapped the stem where the new damage is in parafilm.

I guess I'll just have to inspect it every day and stay on the offensive. Didn't see any droppings NL.


Well-Known Member

I have figured out now that it was two critters working in tandem. A punk ass grasshopper was chewing away the sweet sweet hard barky shell and then some kind of a shitworm was entering through the incision and eating his way up the stalk.

I found a grasshopper with all four legs wrapped around the stalk today, just a chewing away. Matched the other scars exactly. Now all I need is an organic way to keep grasshoppers away and I'm golden. It was a big fucker too! Gonna go do some r-search thanks guys!


Active Member

I have figured out now that it was two critters working in tandem. A punk ass grasshopper was chewing away the sweet sweet hard barky shell and then some kind of a shitworm was entering through the incision and eating his way up the stalk.

I found a grasshopper with all four legs wrapped around the stalk today, just a chewing away. Matched the other scars exactly. Now all I need is an organic way to keep grasshoppers away and I'm golden. It was a big fucker too! Gonna go do some r-search thanks guys!
lol kill indvidually i had a problem with those worms, atleast they arnt to smart and chewed on a leaf node instead of the stalk i just went out at night when they do their damage with a flashlight and went to town killing them