Plant Deficiency!! Please HELP!!!


My ppm is at 1500 in a 55 gal res. My plants are showing deficiecies. My question is... Is it possible to show a deficiency with too high of a ppm? The guy at the hydro shop said the plants should show burning if theres too much nutrients. Please help!!
You can have a deficiency at any ppm level. Are the nutrients available for the plant to uptake? Or is the pH limiting the solubility of that nutrient, or is there an antagonist relationship where you have too much of one and it locks out the other? I need pics and your growing conditions before making an assessment.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
My ppm is at 1500 in a 55 gal res. My plants are showing deficiecies. My question is... Is it possible to show a deficiency with too high of a ppm? The guy at the hydro shop said the plants should show burning if theres too much nutrients. Please help!!
Improper PH can lock out nutes. Could that be the problem.

A pic would help