plant died.....i think

I was growing a northern lights hybrid. I wasn't able to water my plant for almost 2 days and when I returned from my weekend trip all the leaves were shrivled up and brown. Now I'm left with pretty much a stick, but the funny thing is the stem is still green and feels rock solid. Also when I rub the stem it smells like some dank bud. I cut the top of the plant off and there was a white paste that a good sign? Is my plant dead? can it be saved? lol I probably already messed it up right?

I just germinated and planted a lemon skunk seed in case my N.lights plant is a no go. I also just got a lighting system for my skunk grow, its a 150 watt HPS light. will that be ok to use from the start? I know they are for the flowering/budding stage but can I use it from start to finish?


Well-Known Member
hmm if there is greeeen on the plant it will live otherwise nope,a nd the ligth cna be used through whole plant life,? i prefer MH for veg hps blooomer


Well-Known Member
Yeah just give it water, and it should pull through.

yeah you can use hps through veg, works fine, just not as well as an MH.

Goodluck mate <3
I cut the top of the plant off and there was a white paste inside...

Am i reading this much of the top did you cut off NL?? Did you just top it or did you actually cut the top off the plant??

I cut the top of the plant off and there was a white paste inside...

Am i reading this much of the top did you cut off NL?? Did you just top it or did you actually cut the top off the plant??

My NL plant was 16 inches when it dried out.....I cut off about 4 inches. I'm not familiar with "topping" I just straight up cut it. I must admit I was angry that I got so far with the plant and made a mistake by leaving for the weekend without anyone taking care of my plant. The seed was pretty rare, I got it from my friend who has a cannibus card. It's ok though cause he gave me a couple of lemon skunk seeds and I already started on those.

I was growing my NL plant indoors using natural sunlight via the windows, it was working but the plant was growing a little slow. Now I have a 150 watt HPS system for my skunk grow....will that help it grow faster? My brother has cancer and hasn't got his card yet so I want to grow the plant as fast as possible. Any tips and or advice? thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
The HPS will be a major improvement for you! Just be careful of it getting too hot around the plant.:bigjoint: I noticed the difference in growth rate within a week, though our lighting is a bit different. I'm kinda worried about those 4 inches you cut off, but it won't hurt to keep watering it until you're sure it's dead/it bounces back.:mrgreen:
How far into the grow were you when you cut off the top, NLx? Had you started flowering yet? If you were still vegging it might be ok, might even be to your advantage. How is she coming on anyway, has she lived to bud another day?? Blunt is will see a big difference with the Hps but i am wondering if you plan to veg and flower with the one bulb. It is good to increase the light when you go into flower. Do ya have a flouro (125 blue spectrum would be great and not expensive)you could use for veggin and then kick into hps for flower? Ive been wondering how your babies are comin on.
How far into the grow were you when you cut off the top, NLx? Had you started flowering yet? If you were still vegging it might be ok, might even be to your advantage. How is she coming on anyway, has she lived to bud another day?? Blunt is will see a big difference with the Hps but i am wondering if you plan to veg and flower with the one bulb. It is good to increase the light when you go into flower. Do ya have a flouro (125 blue spectrum would be great and not expensive)you could use for veggin and then kick into hps for flower? Ive been wondering how your babies are comin on.
My plant was a slow grower, I assume due to the fact that I was growing it indoors through the window. It was aprox. 9 weeks old and just started to see white hairs coming in so I assume it was the begining stages of flowering. Since cutting the top off I just planed it outside near the roses and haven't payed any attention to it. Right now I'm putting all my time into the lemon skunk that I started over a week ago. it's still a baby with only 4 leaves but it's looking strong from what I can tell. The main stem is thicker than my NL plant so I guess thats a good sign.

I've been using the 150w hps system but I'm going to upgrade to the 400w cause I'm going to start up another plant. My master kush seed is still germinating so I'll upgrade before thats ready to plant. I plan on growing both plants under the one 400w hps light from start to finish. Hopefully that would be enough light, or at least more than what I would get over growing trough the windows lol. I'll get some pics up as soon I figure out how to.....
come on babe.....did the plant make it? I bet she did....any takers
I tried but the NL was beyond saving. All the leaves dried up to a crisp but the stem stayed green. I planted it outside in the flower garden and it's still going but it's only a stem. I kind of gave up on it since I have a skunk grow going right now but I'll still wait and see what happens. Who knows it may start new growth next season.....

On a side note my lemon skunk I planted a couple of weeks back is going strong. I've been using CFL's with this grow and it's looking pretty healthy so far. It's about 5-6 in tall and started on the 6th node. I won't make the same mistake with these plants.
the ghost of the weed plant.... you can just see the spirit leaving the leaves..."goodbye my dear grower and i am taking my feckin thc with me" ...lolol. Catch ya soon Twisty.