Plant discoloration on 2nd week! PLEASE HELP!!! PICS INSIDE


Active Member
Hey everyone, i am on the begining of week 2, and i just did a resevoir change today! im noticing some slight discoloration, and this is my first grow so im trying to figure out if this is early stages of nute burn? from the start i did half of what my nutes recommended for seedlings! Now that we are in week 2 i jumped it up to what they suggested for early growth so i went from, 1/2 tsp. / 2 gallons to 2 tsp. / 2 gallon! My Temps. have been being a little bit of an issue in the past couple of days i havents been cutting on the A/C and has been getting up to 92F which is a first! Here's a few pics to let you see what im seeing! (PIC #1) Is a top view, the leaf im holding is the one that is affected and the one completely on the oppisite side has just a bit too, They are the only ones tho! (PIC #2, #3) are of the leaf itself! You can see the Light green splotches or streaks almost and there is sometimes a plasma looking substance around it???:shock: (PIC #4 is just a side view of her and my set-up! Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! :joint::weed: