Where to start... This is my first grow and it all began with a seed that just showed up after my grinder got stuck one day. I decided that I would attempt to grow the plant not really intending to try to produce the maximum amount of bud, but rather just to use it as an educational experience and learn how the marijuana plant grows while hoping to acquire some added benefits upon the conclusion of my journey a.k.a some fresh bud. I don't remember what kind of weed I was rolling up at the time unfortunately so that doesn't help much although the leaves from the plant do seem to show signs of being an indica. The first 5 weeks of flowering went pretty well, seeing new growth every day. I simply sat the it in a window sil and had a couple desk lamps shining down on it for the first 4 weeks, after the 4th week I moved the plant into my closet and set it up for its upcoming 12/12 cycle. I had heard that I should wait until the plant was showing alternating nodes, but even though it didn't show them I put it into flowering due to size constraints. The plant has been in 12/12 for almost 2 weeks now and not only hasn't shown any signs of flowering, but it seems to have almost completely stopped growing (aside from the fact that the plant does seem to have grown a few inches taller and the stem has thickened a little, but there has been no signs of new leaves). Now this could be due to a lot of things, and I was hoping that someone with more knowledge then me could shed some light on it for me. One of my main concerns is the size of the pot... I am using a very large serving/mixing bowl that I would say is probably 1 1/2 - 2 gallons, no more. Could my plant be root bound? I am afraid to transplant it because I don't want to risk killing the plant. I know my lights are also not ideal but I don't have the money to purchase anything special and don't really want to . The closet is pretty well sealed from outside light (as you can see in the picture) and I even keep my blinds closed in my room while the plant is in its dark phase. I have a small fan in the closet that gives it some circulation during the light hours. The soil I am using is Miracle Grow Moisture Control Potting Mix that also has some fertilizer in it. I have not given the plant any other fertilizer than the one in the potting mix. I am using water that has gone through a BRITA purifier and then left to stand for 24 hours to neutralize it. So there is my story! If you have any suggestions as to why the plant is not flowering or things that I should do in order to help it flower that would be great. Maybe put it into vegetative growth again? Suggestions and helpful comments are all I want. Thanks!