Plant dried up before flowering ....PLEASE HELP!!


Well-Known Member
No leaves=no photosynthesis.
Unless your plants have external aftermarket solar panels, you may as well start more beans now.


Well-Known Member
Ok so after veg I tried a new thing of leaving in dark for 36 hours. I put a heater on outside of tent with tent slightly open, heater was on a timer but something went wrong And my 3 babies branches and leaves are now all crispy. I was going to trim the bottom branches off anyways. But now I have pretty much cut all branches off to a 1cm of the main stem. Roots are fine and main stem are fine on all 3. I have turned the light now and am pretty much hoping for the best to be honest.
Anybody got any information/advice or has had this happened. Only my 2nd grow so all help is appreciated. Plant height is now 10 inches.
If there is no more leaf matter on the plant then you need to either start over, or veg the plants out until they have enough foliage before you flip to 12/12.


Active Member
Ok here is my take.

36 hrs dark wont hurt them like that. I sat almost a week in a power outage. I could have run my generator, but decided not to. Instead I watered them when they needed, no nutes.
Now I didn't add any heat. By this i mean the room was 72 f. All started flowering which I immediately let plants have 12/12 based on when the lights in the room came on.

There is no way 1.5 days of darkness alone caused your damage. You somehow managed as well to planticide them. Maybe to much heat, and under water?, over water? over nute? Is something there you are overlooking. But certainly is not lack of light alone. Light schedules can stress a plant, but not enough to kill, unless temps or water issues are added with it in that short of time.

I might add, I maintained 72 daylight, even with plants not seeing the light, and 65 night. Just so were clear. I could have left 65 or 75 as it wasn't my first bout with losing power, wont be last.


Well-Known Member
No leaves=no photosynthesis.
Unless your plants have external aftermarket solar panels, you may as well start more beans now.

LOL! That just made me laugh! lol. Aftermarket solar panels lol.

Next up on RIU how to pimp out your plant! Stay tuned for more bare stem plants to come. :)

I'm really wanting to see a pic of this and I'm thinking if you have NO leaves it's best to start all over.


Active Member
PS. just we are clear, next time wait till a nug gets fat before you fry em. And dont use a heater, use a bong, pipe or papers. Your wasting weed man.