Plant drinking alot


mY plants are doing much better all yellow leaves gone. She seems to be drinking alot. I just watered her yesterday and she is dry today. I check everyday with my water meter and she used to go 3 days with out water i seem to be watering her every day now. Is this normal? She converted to the outside realy well i will post pics later on her progress.


Active Member
Yeah, long ago I lost a DWC grow because the plants seemed to double or even maybe triple their water uptake in like 1 weeks time. I was real busy at the time and the res ran dry before I realized it.

Also a different environment will have different needs, sounds like it was recently moved outside? That'll definitely affect water use.


THanks. Shes been outside for about a month now. SHe took real well to it. I was originally over watering then i got it down. Now she is drinkin like crazy. I think she is flowering now so yea


Well-Known Member
How much water you giving at a time?

Put something on top of the soil to stop evaporation form the soil.


Well-Known Member
is there a substitute you can use for something like peat moss? i have a plant in ground and it has the same drinking problem. i just took some POTTING soil and mixed with some perlite and sand and patted it on top of my soil next to the stem, and watered with half a gallon of water. then used my fingers to mixed the muddy mix in slightly with the original ground soil, and watered with another half gallon. this seems to be stopping the quick evaporation. i guess ill find out tomorrow! :weed:


And the waether has been weird this yr in the north east we got an ass load of rain so i was covering the base of the plant with bags because i was gettin to much water. Then it got realy dry out and she wasnt gettin enough.


Well-Known Member
yeah i heard the north east USA got SOOOOAKED man haha, im sorry to hear that... good idea with the bags man. i swear, us growers are innovative mo fos haha :weed:


Well-Known Member
You could use anything to stop the evaporation. I use the expanded clay pebbles used in hydro, but a piece of paper or cardboard cut out to the right size would work just as well I imagine.