Plant drooping at begin of flowering..Help!

Just started flowering my small plant after 20 days of veg under 7 26w 6500k cfls. To flower I put two 26w 2700k's right over my flowering plant with 5 26w 6500ks still in my grow box for the other plants in it that are still in veg. Using miracle grow planting soil.

So here is my question...should my leaves be drooping as much as they are. The plant is in its second 12 hrs. of darkness and appears to be wilting pretty bad. Refer to the two pics (the one under the light was about 17 days into veg.



Well-Known Member
how much are you watering it mine did that after putting it into flower and i watered it every 2 or 3 days and i would put about 10 oz of water to make sure it last cuz i noticed it would evaporate quickly

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Some plants will droop a little especially close to lights-out I've noticed. That is pretty severe though. Is the drooping all the time or just sometimes? Also how much did the addition of the new bulbs raise the temps?


Well-Known Member
ummm if u took that pic by pulln it out of its darkness..that may be all it is. when there in a dark chamber they dont perk till they get sun.light.. cant tell by the pic far away.. wuts ur watering schedule? wuts the temp been inside the cfl chamber?
Temp is staying under 80 F. Watering bout 5-6 oz. every other day. I pulled it out of the darkness for the pic. Hopefully you are right tilemaster, I kind of figured that anyway but just wanted someone to confirm.


Well-Known Member
thats wut it looks like bro..if u had more plants in flower u could compare..but leave them alone in flower sure u didnt hurt nothin but leave them alone during lights out...jsut check on her 1st thing w/ lights on, and she should be her perky self...ur leaves look if there not dry(the soil) there sleepn while roots are working..

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
IDK I have a green light bulb in my flower room so I am in there frequently during "dark" time and they only droop at the beginning. I might try a change in watering habits. Flood the plant really really well so a lot of water runs out the bottom of the pots. You really can't pour too much. Then lift up the pot every day. It will be very heavy when wet and feel almost empty when dry.


Well-Known Member
if it doesnt improve try to give ten ounces of water thats what i had to do when i went into flowering my leaves drooped bad but anyways good luck

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
if it doesnt improve try to give ten ounces of water thats what i had to do when i went into flowering my leaves drooped bad but anyways good luck
10 oz or a 3 gallons it doesn't really matter as long as there is plenty of runoff. The soil cannot get super saturated and you can't drown your plant with one watering. You just have to let it dry out enough to get air to the roots between waterings.


Well-Known Member
ya but ur prob not movn them around out of ur enclosure and snappn pics of em..and u prob know wut ur doin mared so for the newbs..stay out of their sleepy time
IDK I have a green light bulb in my flower room so I am in there frequently during "dark" time and they only droop at the beginning. dry.


Well-Known Member
the thing hommie said about picking up ur pots is'll know the diff between a flooded pot and a dry 1 instantley and you'll remember.. but when and if u grow soil big container'll wanna buy the moisure meter for like 10bucks, so u dont have to pick nothing up.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Oh yea if you're pulling them out of their dark period to snap pics that is a big no-no. Green light doesn't disturb the photoperiod so my green bulbs let me work at night. Otherwise don't even go in to look at them.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
temwillmake them drop. plant drop when light are off , also over watering willdo it to.