Plant drooping?


I know this comes up a lot, but I've read everywhere and I can't figure out what's up with it. :confused: I know overwatering and underwatering can cause this but I've been watering both plants the same amount and the other one doesn't look like this.

Advice is appreciated, thanks.


Well I just added a new top layer to the soil right before I took the picture. The soil looked a little darker before that. ph is 6.6.

Yeah except they barely hold them up. lol


I wouldn't be able to transplant until tomorrow. Think it'll make it until then? I have to find another fan. Days have been hott here lately. Around 105 degrees. 90 in the house.


Active Member
sounds allright to me m8 they love it out in that weather too perfect vegging weather too if you ask me ive 2 to compare and the 1 outside is doing well better


My suggestion would be to keep the plant close to the light, but not to where it would burn. so it doesnt stretch as much. also watering two times a day is too much. overwatering will cause the plant to droop also. I learned the hard way.


Active Member
watering twice a day? thats too much i think.

what lights you using?

if you repot them, bury them cos there too stretched.

i think they look overwatered though.


It looks like its over watered and needs more light. Your stem is very stretched. It needs more light. Water once a day. Its better to underwater in this stage, The roots will grow in search of more water. Keep it to once a day. What kind of light are you using?


Your plant looks stretched as hell. What type of lighting do you give it and how long?

I know. It's because I don't have enough light. I have it under a 70 watt CFL right now. I'll be getting a 300 watt one soon. I'm almost tempted just to put it outside but last time I did that, some sort of bug got into it and chewed it to shit.


So from what I've gathered here, I need more light, I need to water less, and it needs a bigger pot, or needs to be replanted outside.

I don't know what got into my plants last time. Went to bed, they were fine... got up and they were just all torn to shit.


It made it through the night last night but I've noticed it keeps turning away from the light... It's wilting and turning around the apposite direction. Could this be because the bulb is too hot?