plant dropping heavily need expert advice


Well-Known Member
i have a 1 and a half month old clone that was doing great besides the gnats/larva. I used some orangeoil to cure for the gnats/larva and right after that my plant started dropping heavily! will this fix itself? it's been 5 days since i last watered and one of the leaves drooping looked very dry so i decided to water about 1/3 of a gallon per 5 gallons bucket of fox farm soil. Please don't say overwatering because if i wouldn't of watered my plants today it surely would've been a mistake. The other plants who went through the same treatment are doing beautifully it's just that 1 particular plant. Lots of foliar growth but droppin like a son of a bitch. please don't post if you're not experienced, and i hate the "My friend has plants but i don't but i'd do this". EXPERT ADVICE ONLY thanks guys.

Brick Top

New Member
This is only a guess based on the following and then an assumption. You said you used; "orangeoil" to rid your plants of gnats/larva. You also said; "right after that" you noticed a decline in your plant’s condition. How soon is; "right after that?" Is it an hour, a day, two or three days or maybe as much as a week?
The reason I ask, and this is where the assumption part enters, is you said you used; "orangeoil." I know nothing about it but is it like oranges acidic? If so depending on the timing of when your plants began to decline; "right after that" it may be a pH problem.

Does that sound feasible?


Active Member
Check your pH make sure it's between 6.3-6.7 what type of nutes are you using? Make sure if your using tap water let it sit for 24-48 (maybe even longer depends how your water is) hours. How much water are you giving it? over watering? I see alot of pH problems often, thats why I use bottled water and I let it sit for at least 3 days, Just so I neverrr have a pH problem. Good luck< Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
This is only a guess based on the following and then an assumption. You said you used; "orangeoil" to rid your plants of gnats/larva. You also said; "right after that" you noticed a decline in your plant’s condition. How soon is; "right after that?" Is it an hour, a day, two or three days or maybe as much as a week?
The reason I ask, and this is where the assumption part enters, is you said you used; "orangeoil." I know nothing about it but is it like oranges acidic? If so depending on the timing of when your plants began to decline; "right after that" it may be a pH problem.

Does that sound feasible?

its basically like neem oil. I noticed the change a day and half after use. Also i have checked the ph as well as used distilled water from over the counter as well as running a aqaurium pump to the water for about 24 hours. ALL OF MY PLANTS ARE ON SAME CYCLE the others are all healthy. I'm using very little nutes so it's not that trust me. but fwiw i use botanicare/foxfarm/superthrive i watered it today and it just seems to be getting worse i'm not sure what i should do but i really feel it's pain. ALL OF THE OTHER PLANTS ARE IN THE SAME CYCLE why is this one acting different? i've done nothing different

Brick Top

New Member
Let&#8217;s try this&#8217; what type of orange oil did you use and in what solution mixture/ratio? Were all plants sprayed from the same mixed batch of solution? Do you remember if the plant with the problem was the last to be sprayed?
I have been looking for the pH level or orange oil but since it comes in so many different forms/concentrations for different uses what I have found varies a good bit but all are anywhere from rather acidic to very highly acidic.
What I was just wondering is if that plant was sprayed with a different batch of solution that might have been mixed to a slightly different ratio or sprayed last and the mixture hadn&#8217;t been evenly mixed and or there had been some settling and it received a higher dose per drop?
It just seems to me that the plant likely got the heck shocked out if it and you did use an acidic substance.
Since you sprayed the plants checking the pH level of a reservoir or of soil would not show up the what had been taken in by the plant in what to it would have been something of a distasteful foliar feeding.
Consider acid rain. Mostly it is said how the acid rain effects the soil, it dissolves the nutrients and helpful minerals in the soil and then washes them away before trees and other plants can use them to grow. At the same time, acid rain causes the release of substances that are toxic to trees and plants, such as aluminum, into the soil and the combination weakens the trees and that leads to them dying from disease or some other problem.
Well scientists also believe that when leaves are frequently bathed in this acid fog, like trees at high altitude, essential nutrients in their leaves and needles are stripped away. If acidic moisture trapped in clouds surrounding trees and plants can strip essential nutrients from leaves and needles do you think the same would likely occur if an acidic solution were sprayed onto plants?
It may still sound unlikely to you since you said all the plants received the same spraying/treatment and conditions but I still have to believe the cause and effect here is still the spraying even though only one plant has shown signs of problems.
Since all plants have received the same care, feeding and conditions if some over-amount or deficiency of some element(s) were developing it may have shown up first in one plant but likely very soon after in others and by now you would have said plant #2 is drooping too and you haven&#8217;t so I doubt it has anything to do with what happened previous to the spraying.
Possibly through some mishap that one plant received a heavier dose or possibly it has some slight genetic difference that makes it more sensitive or maybe even hyper-sensitive to certain things so it reacted quickly and to a large degree while the others just shrugged off the same experience/condition.
Some good clear pictures of both the broad type and close ups, that were of course hopefully clear, would she be nice. They may show exactly what the problem is so it might be able to be solved somewhat easily but if nothing else they may help to limit the amount of hypothesizing that will be done before a solution is found.


Well-Known Member
Let’s try this’ what type of orange oil did you use and in what solution mixture/ratio? Were all plants sprayed from the same mixed batch of solution? Do you remember if the plant with the problem was the last to be sprayed?
I have been looking for the pH level or orange oil but since it comes in so many different forms/concentrations for different uses what I have found varies a good bit but all are anywhere from rather acidic to very highly acidic.
What I was just wondering is if that plant was sprayed with a different batch of solution that might have been mixed to a slightly different ratio or sprayed last and the mixture hadn’t been evenly mixed and or there had been some settling and it received a higher dose per drop?
It just seems to me that the plant likely got the heck shocked out if it and you did use an acidic substance.
Since you sprayed the plants checking the pH level of a reservoir or of soil would not show up the what had been taken in by the plant in what to it would have been something of a distasteful foliar feeding.
Consider acid rain. Mostly it is said how the acid rain effects the soil, it dissolves the nutrients and helpful minerals in the soil and then washes them away before trees and other plants can use them to grow. At the same time, acid rain causes the release of substances that are toxic to trees and plants, such as aluminum, into the soil and the combination weakens the trees and that leads to them dying from disease or some other problem.
Well scientists also believe that when leaves are frequently bathed in this acid fog, like trees at high altitude, essential nutrients in their leaves and needles are stripped away. If acidic moisture trapped in clouds surrounding trees and plants can strip essential nutrients from leaves and needles do you think the same would likely occur if an acidic solution were sprayed onto plants?
It may still sound unlikely to you since you said all the plants received the same spraying/treatment and conditions but I still have to believe the cause and effect here is still the spraying even though only one plant has shown signs of problems.
Since all plants have received the same care, feeding and conditions if some over-amount or deficiency of some element(s) were developing it may have shown up first in one plant but likely very soon after in others and by now you would have said plant #2 is drooping too and you haven’t so I doubt it has anything to do with what happened previous to the spraying.
Possibly through some mishap that one plant received a heavier dose or possibly it has some slight genetic difference that makes it more sensitive or maybe even hyper-sensitive to certain things so it reacted quickly and to a large degree while the others just shrugged off the same experience/condition.
Some good clear pictures of both the broad type and close ups, that were of course hopefully clear, would she be nice. They may show exactly what the problem is so it might be able to be solved somewhat easily but if nothing else they may help to limit the amount of hypothesizing that will be done before a solution is found.
I must have mis informed you, i NEVER SPRAYED the plants. I only watered them with the orange oil. And i shook the jug up very well the second before i poured it. IT WAS THE FIRST PLANT TO HAVE THE TREATMENT. The product i used was called Medina Orange Oil Natural $ biodegradable. It says use 4 ounces per gallon for soil drench and i used 3 ounces per gallon, however i do believe this made it more acidic like you said. Maybe i will keep my water a little basic on the next feeding "If my baby is still with us." The instructions are kind of scary because it also says for cleaning solution use 2 ounces pergallon :-( this sounds bad! But i talked to a VET and they said this product is better than neem oil and to follow the instructions on the label to a T.

i will try and post a pic right now before i go to class but i'm not sure i know how to do it. Please bare with me and thanks so much for your concerns!!!!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any tips? I am basically just trimming off all the fan leaves in hopes that the plant will not get dragged down and hoping the new leaves with re-stabilize the plant. I am NEVER USING MEDINA ORANGE OIL AGAIN AND DON'T RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE. If anyone can give me some advice i'd appreciate it. I am so bummed out man it feels like its 420 and i have no smoke and no friends. Side note:NONE of my attitude/greenhouse indica mixed pack sprouted