plant fell over....


Active Member
Yea so i was looking at my plants and all of the sudden it fell like a ft onto carpet. The stem wasnt broken or anything but like 1/4 the soil fell out and i could see the roots...:( ITS ONLY A BABY! its like 2 weeks old.

Will this affect it or are these little girls stronger then I think?


Active Member
depending on your plant care she should be fine you have to remember that this is a WEED and they are pretty hefty just replace the soil (which i bet you already did) and wet it down a bit and try to favor that plant a bit.....the only thing i have ever had happen from a similar event is stunting of growth so even if it doesnt seem like its growing but still alive it just might have stressed it and it wants to recover before it starts again....with all that said it may have been too much (i wasnt there pics would help, but are unnecessary) GOOD LUCK hope she survives


Well-Known Member
Oft-times a good whack to a planter will kick the contents into high gear. Try it sometime, when you've a plant stalled, just sittin' there doin' nothing much.

I've seen a good whack do this on multiple occasions.


Well-Known Member
My 4" sweetie did a World Championship Ice Skating move (looked like a triple axle followed by a double lutz, and she stuck the landing) and it was fine. There was virtually no dirt on the roots, etc. All it was was plant and roots. I replanted it, watered, and put the light up close. After a few hours it looked as if nothing happened.
As CC said above, "remember, it is a weed".

Good luck.