Plant Food question...


Hello All!

So I am about 16 days into my first grow, I am using a 3x3x2 "cabnet" I built from scrap wood I had around the house with 2 - 42 watt cfls that I can adjust the height on keeping them about 2'' above my girls as they grow ( 4 of them at this point ) and 2 - 13 watt cfls mounted to the ceiling of my cabnet that are static ( non-adjustable). All of them are 2300k range. Before you say it, I know I should try for a wider Kelvin range but, I simply cant afford the bulbs atm and they seem to be growing fine although I will widen my K range as cash permits.. Also you will notice from the pics , I havent put in any reflective surfaces yet, but that will be done in a few days.

I have not giviin them any Neuts yet which is what this post is about. I obtained some concentrated 15-30-15 plant food that has the following breakdown according to the label:

15% Total Nitrogen from 3 diffrent sources, Urea and 2 more i cant think of atm.
30% Phosphate.
15% Potash.
0.02% Boron
0.07% Copper
0.15% Iron
0.05% Manganese
0.0005% Mollybendum
0.06% Zinc

Now the label for this stuff says to mix 1 tablespoon per 1 gallon of water, I was thinking this would be way to strong and was wandering if 1/4 tablespoon per 1/2 Gallon ( my girls don't drink 1 gallon each yet ) was more of a suitable strength.

Oh and with out further adeu heres the pics I mentioned 8), These are from bag seed that cost $120 a quarter and confirmed to come from a despensery in Michigan. I do not live in michigan, BUT I do live about 20 minutes from there. However there is no compasionate use laws in my state. The amazing thing is that there were any seeds at all in that stuff as at that price, there usualy arn't lol , Got lucky with the 7 seeds I got in this stuff, but I guess when its legal for medical use, people don't mind if a few seeds get loose now and then! These are growing in soiless potting mix and appear to be an Indica strain as they are short fat leaves and not the skinny long leaves characteristic of a Sativa strain. As for what varity of Indica these are, I have no clue, I just know this stuff had a nice couch lock pain relieving effect which is what I am after as I suffer from dibilitating Migranes, as well as severe joint pain from military service with flat feet that pretty much destroyed all the cartilege in my legs at all my joints up into my hips and lower back, ANYHOW, I decided it was time to grow my own medicine instead of paying for it anymore lol

And one more note, even though these are 16 days old, they are starting to produce the classic skunky odor, any sugestions on what size air filter I am gonna need for a 3'h x 3'L x 2'w cabnet ?


technical dan

Active Member
you will not need nutes for at least a week or two. Also the first time you give them do maybe a light quarter of a table spoon per gallon of water something with npk numbers of 15-30-15 is pretty hot especially for young plants


Yea I thought it was pretty strong, so I would dilute the shit out of it, but wasnt sure how far down to dilute it. 8)