Plant Food


Active Member
i just planted seedlings
for my indoor grow medium
im using peatmoss and perlite mixed together
then i also added root stimulator
im feeding them miracle grow all purpose plant food
i also plan on mixing more nitrogen in with the food to help develope leaves
and then when they go into flowering i plan on adding phospherus to promote
BUD GROWTH sorry i dont kno how to spell lol




Well-Known Member
dude, sounds like your adding too much too fast. If your not careful your babies will get nute-burn real quick.

It's best to remember that too little is much better than too much!

good luck.


Well-Known Member
remix the soil with 2 tablespoons of dolomite lime per gallon of mix. Peat moss is
very acidic. Don't need nutes for the first few weeks. Do youself a favor and get some real nutirents at a hydro store.


Well-Known Member
if you planted seeling i see no use in root stimulator, and dont add nutes yet....wait a couple weeks and yea go for real nutes


Well-Known Member
I dont think there's a hydro store around where i live, can you list any good nutes i can get from lowes or whereever, or fuck it ill just go on the hunt for the right nutes, but i dont know exactly what they are? could you shed some light on the subject? and could you also suggest when to use those nutes. Thanks alot, or hit me up with a PM, thanks


Well-Known Member
My personal favorites are Atami Nutes. Especially BloomBastic, as they say, it will give your plants "the bling bling" ha ha
Check out their website or just google that shit.

A good time to start using nutes would be about 3-4 weeks into it. no sooner!

good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah ganjababy is right.

Each brand of nutrients are going to affect your plant differently, and it's best to stick to a regiment when it comes to nutes, as your girls won't appreciate the nute shock very much.


Well-Known Member
Iv been talking to some experienced growers, and some good advice on nutes that i got was the foxfarm trio, bushmaster, plant tonic, and i few others. My first grow is gonna start in about a week when i get my seeds so im just about all prepared. building my box in a few days