Plant growing great but i have concerns!! help!


Active Member
hey, this is kind of an add on to my other post. 2nd grow outside. its been about 5 and almost a half weeks since i planted it and its growing super strong and healthy. i been givin it some nutes for about the last week (vigoro tomato and veg plant food) every other day. it got hella big and i got to keep it on the DL cause i live were people lurk and i got about a 4 1/2ft fence to cover it. its in a 1 gal pot bucket with holes at the bottom for drainage. i want a fire yield for my 2nd grow but i cant let it get big, 3.5 ft being the highest i would hope it would get. if it will get bigger should i tie it down, and how???

MUch Needed Help!!!!!!

Shred the Gnar


Well-Known Member
Hey man .. tieing the plant down or lsting will help the plant turn into more of bush than a tree resulting in more bushiness and less vertical growth .. tie the plant down using a string or wire and peg in at an angle .. peg in so the plant it just bending and every couple of days bend the plant a little more and it should minimise vertical growth but still give you a very respectable yeild.

Keep it green.


Active Member
k dude thanks, will fishin line work? and what do mean peg. should i tape the end of the string to the outside of the bucket or weigh it down with somethin


Well-Known Member
fishing line will be cool as its thin, strong and durable ... a metal tent peg would be perfect as you can make hoops in the fishing line and as she can bend more ( you dont want to bend to fast as she will break ) then you can just put the hoop your at around the peg and move up when shes feeling more flexible :)

Keep it greeen.