Plant Growth


I started from seeds. Using rapid rooters and hydroton. Plants are over two weeks old, but they seem to growing very slowly. The biggest is only about 1.5 inches and the smallest is about .5 inch.

Does it seem normal?


Well-Known Member
Original poster: The reason that nobody here can help you is because you've provided us with no information about *how* you grow. It can be done dozens upon dozens of ways. Help us help you by listing you lighting, watering schedule, growing medium and method of growing (soil, hydro, etc...). Better yet, take a photo of your setup and add it here (when you post, click manage attachments -- the server resizes the pic for you so just upload straight from the digital camera).

Hope to help!


Well-Known Member
By the way, check out my grow journal for a picture of what a plant in Hydroton should look like at 2 weeks old. Mine were 1" tall just a couple days after they sprouted.


My setup is:

150w HPS
6 36W CFL
Water with nutes
Net cups with hydroton
Plants in rapid rooters

Any more info needed, please advise


Active Member
I used to be overzealous, overwatering from sprout, kept everything too moist and my seedlings took a long time to get going. Maybe u need to let things dry a bit more so the seedlings gotta do some work and look for water, so they will get a root system started underneath and then get bigger above as well and look like these larger points you want to see. ?


I used to be overzealous, overwatering from sprout, kept everything too moist and my seedlings took a long time to get going. Maybe u need to let things dry a bit more so the seedlings gotta do some work and look for water, so they will get a root system started underneath and then get bigger above as well and look like these larger points you want to see. ?
How long do you suggest I turn off the feeder system? I have noticed the rapid rooters get dry very fast when there is no water.