Plant Height


Active Member
Hi all-

I have VERY limited grow height at my place 30-36" and was wondering, what can I do to the plant to control its height?

Should I be topping, what exactly is topping?

Keep the lights as close as possibe?

Get Rid of males?

Is there anything else I can do to help my cause? Is there a strain maybe I should be growing with.

Thanks for the help guys


Well-Known Member
Yes get rid of males, or grow from fem seed.

Topping is removing the top centre growth tip to halt upwards growth and promote side branching and create two top colas as opposed to one.

I think your best option would be to SCRoG out 1 or two plants over your grow area, or otherwise to grow LR crosses.


Active Member
sorry for the newbie question, but what is 'SCRoG'

and at what height/time is it best to top the plants?

I just e-mailed BC Bud Depot and asked about a strain, I ddint see LowRyder on their site


Active Member
Dont know if this helps, but I am growing 3 in an aergarden deluxe and will be buying a 150w HPS and 4-6 CFL's ranging from 2700k to 6500k according to the Veg/flower process

I looked up that SCRoG method, seems like that can work well, does it not hurt, stress the plants out? How good does it yield?


Active Member
Scrog stands for screen of green, you basically put chicken wire horizontally accross a point in your grow area, when the plants reach the wire they grow horizontally along it, which stops vertical growth. Its a very good idea if height is an issue because if u flower your plants early then you will affect final yield as the plant is immature, with scrog the plant can still reach sexual maturety you just control the height :)


Active Member
To flower at 8 inches would be better than flowering at 4 lol, the taller the plant the better, if it grows too tall you can always tie it down with a bit of string to pull the top of the plant over so it grows sideways, how wide is your grow area?


Active Member
My buddy and I built a nice grow box that has inside dimensions of 3'1 high, 1'6 deep and 2'4 wide. It contains 1" reflective insulation and weather tight with a door a fan that brings in fresh air and an exhaust that takes air out into a HVAC duct with fabric softner and active carbon filter to help dull the smell. I will be using the Aerogarden Deluxe. I am still to get extra lights 3 cfl each side along with the 3 from the aerogarden and I am looking into an HPS 150W, and an air pump with airstone. This will be my first grow and I want to do this right.

What is super-cropping and low stress training

What about those 24" Sunblaster T5's, how good are those guys and do those need to be 1" away from the plant as well. or set back to 4-6"


Active Member
cheers dude your sig is fat, im well toasted right now :). To dr.evil, i havnt personally used a sunblaster t5 but it looks just like a normal fluroescent so i would i thought that u could put it pretty close to the plants, super cropping is just a name given to a group of diff techniques like scrog, lst, topping etc. LST is what i said about, slowly bending the plant over with a piece of string tying it down. It will grow sidways.


Well-Known Member
first grow top and train...clone the plant as the cutting will have the same genetic age as mother plant...then maturity of plant is no longer an issue, its much easier than starting from seed easy to achive perpetual harvest cloning. top at 4-5 node and have 8 nice colas with some lst...:) theres as many ways to grow as people growing start with what your comfortable with a work your way up have fun