Plant Height

Hi guys its me again :mrgreen:

After searching the forum, I have found that a plant will grow proportional to the container size, this I presume is correct when all other conditions are ideal.

I read that a plant would grow 1 foot per gallon of container.

Would this be correct for all strains? As in, if i was to grow a plant which is typically know to grow around the 1.5 meter range, if it was put into maybe a 2 gallon pot, would only grow maybe 90cm?

Im interested in growing Himalaya Gold, but i heard that it can grow rather high, and seeing as my grow space is limited, would planting them in a 11 litre pot reduce their height?

Im also considering Arjans Haze 3, Strawberry Cough and WW, so opinions on which strains would be good, or even other suggestions would be much appreciated :mrgreen:
Any reason why you want your plants to grow short?

I've been asking this question for months but none has really gave me an accurate answer. I prefer to shrink my plants because in Asia it's all Sativa and I'm growing them in my balcony.
Well Im growing my plants in a closet, and its not very big, specially once i put up my HPS light. Because its 250 Watts, i dont really want my plants so close to the bulb incase they get to hot or even burn. I want to keep my plants round about 90cm tall preferably.

Also, there are some sativa dominant strains i wish to try and grow, but because they are usually taller, i may have problems
After doing some searching, ive found that keeping plants in smaller pots will limit the size they grow.

But the information online isnt really in depth, and i wouldnt be surprised if obviously height was more determined by genetics rather than the container its kept in.

I gues the best way to find out is to do it myself.


Well-Known Member
this is the way i think about it, but i could be wronge so just take it for what its worth.. i know a plant needs lot of things to grow, lots of light, water, nutes, etc. the way it gets its water and nutes is with its roots, iv heard that a plant with have about the same amount of mass above ground as it does below. so in order for a plant to support itself it needs for have a root system constantly growing to keep growing above ground. size of the container directly controlls that. i could be wronge, on some or all of this, but its just my imput.


Active Member
You control how high it gets by switching it to 12/12 photoperiod when you want. I would switch sativa dominant hybrids at about 40 cm if you want them 90. Maybe even less the first time to be sure. Then take clones if you can. Expect them to get a bit over double after flipping the lights. Dont do your rootbound idea. Its too hard to keep them happy. I have been trying that because I have some plants older then others and wanted the small ones to catch up. Tryed giving them big pots and keeping the others in small pots. Didnt work really. My big plants just want to either keep growing, or show nutrient deficiencies and want to die. Depending on the strain.

Illegal Smile

I'm on my second grow of LSD that are only supposed to get 3 ft and both times they are 5 ft+ even though the second time I went to 12/12 much earlier. It is unpredictable. I would not try to keep plants small by reducing their rootspace. May as well reduce light or nutes. It will lower the yield too much. Best, as said, is to know the strain and go to 12/12 earlier. Also make sure you are not getting lights too high which causes them to stretch.

A good formula would be to grow an indica strain that stays small, and flower at 6-8 inches. If that grow leaves you head room, next time veg them a little longer. I really think they key is knowing the strain and that requires experimentation.


Well-Known Member
Plant height is controlled by several factors. First is Genetics. Indica dominants in most cases stay shorter (2-6 ft), bushier and have smaller root zones than Sativas (3-20 ft), making them more suitable for small pots. Indicas tend to stretch less during flowering as well.

Second is light proximity. The further away the light is, the more the plant will stretch to reach it. Although this may seem like a good thing becus the plant is taller, this does not mean more yield. Large, dense buds come from having close internode spacing(1 in or less) ...When your light source is to far from the plants canopy, it results in large internode spacing.

The third is container size. In most cases, a plant will grow relative to the size of its container But, I have seen 3 foot plants in 16 oz beer cups :dunce: , so this is not always the case.

And lastly is topping/fimming/training. This one is totally controlled by the grower. If a plant seems like its getting too big for it britches...Cut that bitch down to size... When all else fails...Topping wont, lol. Training or scroging is not so much controlling the height of the plant...It rearranges its structure or prevents vertical growth in order to lower its profile. The plant may still be 4 ft tall, but if its growing horizontally, it may only need 1.5-2 ft of actual vertical grow space.
Ah decisions decisions lol

I would really like to try some certain sativas out, but because im new to this, i want my first grow to be pretty straight forward, so training or scrogging will have to be a pass

However flowering the plant early maybe deffinately be something i try, but as mention earlier, i think it mainly comes down to knowing the strain.

I think ill try out strawberry cough, WW and Arjans Haze 3, ive heard these keep relatively small.


Active Member
Defininetly do some training. Its a waste to let a plant grow one top and have all the area around it dead space indoors. Maximize that light zone and pinch your plants when young to produce multiple tops. I wasted 3 months the hard way growing 4 plants under a 250 with few branches.