Plant Height


Active Member
Ok. So my four plants that I have going are 22", 22", 18" and 18". I've been vegging almost 4 weeks. They are about 20" in diameter and very bushy. I've noticed they are'nt growing any taller but are gettin filled in to the max. Lots of side branchs.

So my question is. If I want 5-6' plants at harvest, when should I flick the switch?

I want to maximize my yield so I can upgrade my setup with another light and stuff.

Also, can you clone when the plants are at end of flower? I'm trying to figure out how to keep my cycle going without running out of clones or going over my limit. Also only want to clone the highest yielding plants for maximum production next cycle.

Thanks for your thoughts!! I've attached a pic! Theres 6 plants, however, the 2 smaller ones in the back(god bud and maui wowi) are going to be saved as mothers. I'm only going to harvest the first 4.



Active Member
Your plants can almost double in height during flower, this is the main consideration in determining when to switch the photoperiod. Do you have enough height?
also, you cannot do any cloning during the flower photoperiod. You will need to take the clones during the veg photoperiod.



If youre quite new to this, I would switch now. Else you'll have a monster to deal with and all the problems that go with it. Next, time you can decide if you want to go bigger. init.


Im almost certain you want to clone from a vegetating plant 2-4 weeks and they look very healthy =) as far as the height. was your previous grow the same strain and taller than these? because some strains are just short/bushy plants and wont ever achieve great height due to genes. are those dual bucket resivoirs? =P


Well-Known Member
You can clone from flowering plants but it just takes longer so the success rate isn't as high. You might think of making a small veg/clone box or a box for a mother with some CFL bulbs so you can keep a perpetual grow going.


Active Member
your ;lant hight is set by amount of light you have. that info isnt here. no sence growing trees with a cfl. you do want max potential right. not just a tall plant. plant hight has little to do with yield if you dont have the light for it


Active Member
I'm running a 1,000 HPS and 2 40-watt Grow-CFL's for the extra spectrum. Temp stays at 68-77 and humidity at about 40-50. Using soil(yes that's a dual bucket system for catching my run-off water. I drain and scrub every 4 days to ensure no milldew/mold). Have not fed nutes yet due to using B.U.D dirt. It's a shotgun mix and has all the nutes in it for the first 45 days. I'm about to switch them to 12/12 and will start a humbolt or fox farm nute mixture. This is my first grow so I'm not sure how high these plants can get. I've done research, and the moby and afghan can get over 6'. The oregon grape I'm not sure.

I'm bout to get a few side lights as well to assist the lower branchs in developing well.

And my light can be moved to over 7' up so I'm not really limited by height. And I do want maximum production!


Active Member
ok thats better info to make a decision.. to start your temp swing is to much and letting it get to cold. never go berlow 70 degree or food processes slow down. and below 60 it stops all together. humidity isnt bad,.55 is what you aim for but your fine there.
dont know what you mean by a double bucket system and you drain and scrub it?
the hights and other info you read from seed banks isnt what you will get. that hight would be to just let them go wild, we dont want that. your hight you want to run at is the amount of light you can get good penetration with. a 1k bulb will only on average have max lumens to 24 inhes. then its drops real real fast for pentration. literely by about 50% by the inch. so your running a 1k i wouldnt have my plants any taller than 4 foot at harvest so id flip my lights...depending on strain about 14 inches., making them taller wont make more bud in all cases. you want to controll the plant and get good results with less time and growth. if you run it to tall then it will just have fluffy buds and weeker all around. has nothing to do with how far up you can put a light.