Plant Identification


Active Member
I won't include any pictures because it's no necessary. I'm not looking for a positive indentification of my plants, just thoughts/opinions.

I saved some seeds from about 3 bags of midgrade[nothing special] that I have had throughout the past six months. I planted all of them, but I didn't bother identifying which batch they came from, so they're all mixed up. All three batches that I bought were about midgrade, so what type do you all think I might be growing? I know it'll be nothing special obviously, but when you buy "midgrade" bud, normally what strain are you being sold? [so I have a better idea about what I'm gonna see when they grow larger than what they are since different strains looks different during growth]


Active Member
Yeah, they're about 3 inches high. 2 weeks old..they should be a tad shorter though, mistake on my part. All of my plants are seperate strains I think, since there was only maybe 2 or 3 seeds from each batch. There are 3 of my plants that have fatter leaves, while the others have thinner leaves.


Well-Known Member
Concentrating...fine tuning psychic abilities...not able to mind meld at this time.


Active Member
Stop being sarcastic. I'm not asking anyone to identify my plants. I'm just asking what strain of weed are usually sold off as "midgrade" so I have a good idea of what my plants are. that's all.


Active Member
I suggest you do a search online using "midgrade" as the search word.
Ehh, I'm not really getting very good hits on google. The most informative hit I got was the definition for "Midgrade" on Urban Dictionary, LOL. Apparently midgrade is anything between schwag & chronic. As if we didn't alright know this...

I found a decent website just this second though...I guess I'll know once I smoke each plant, they say Indicas are the tired kind of highs, while the Sativas are a more uplifting high. I'm a newb so the Indica/Sativa differences are new to me. Sorry if you already knew that. =P The only thing I know about different strains of weed are the basics like White Widow, Purple Haze, you know, the stuff most stoners have heard of.


Well-Known Member
Indica plants are short, bushy, mature early, have more chlorophyll and less accessory pigments (accessory pigments protect the plant from excessive sunlight).
As Indica strains have more chlorophyll than sativa they grow and mature faster.

Sativa plants are taller, take longer to mature, have less chlorophyll and more accessory pigments (accessory pigments protect the plant from excessive sunlight).
As Sativa strains have less chlorophyll than Indica they take longer to grow, mature, and require more light.

Hybrid plants have a combination of both Indica and Sativa growth characteristics which are relative to strain ratio.


Well-Known Member
I got familiar with the Northern lights family (originally said to be from the Pacific Northwest) back in the 1980's when Nevil's Seed Bank offered the whole lineup. The original Northern Lights family is genetically diverse.

Northern Lights 1 was a single stalked, compact plant with a moderate Afghani smell. No one offers this classic version at this time. A strong plant and buzz.

Northern Lights 2 was a sturdy, pine tree shaped with a musty and piney odor. Dutch Passion (Oasis) and THSeeds (Closet Queen) currently offer versions.

Northern Lights 2 X 5 from The Seed Bank was very bushy and resinous with a strong juniper berry smell. A truly remarkable hybrid not offered by anyone.

Northern Lights 5 is available from BCSC for $75, a variety Nevil of The Seed Bank said was only available pure as a cutting. It is likely hybridized at one point.

Northern Lights 9 X 5 "disappeared" when Nevil sold his genetics to Sensi Seeds. This is the only original Northern Lights 9 genetics source to my knowledge.

These are the original Northern Lights breeding lines from which today's versions arose. Sensi Seed Bank sells Northern Lights with no number attached. Having access to Nevil's original genetics, my guess is that they crossed an Northern Lights 1 male to their Northern Lights 5 mother and stabilized the results. Northern Lights Special is a hybrid from KC Brains in Holland of Sensi's Northern Lights crossed to a Haze female. Northern Lights 9 was only sold in seed form as a hybrid to the Northern Lights 5 mother plant by Nevil at The Seed Bank during the late 1980's. Sagarmatha receives a lot of their strains delivered to them as a finished product from outside breeders. It is possible that someone produced these seeds. The known fact of a Northern Lights 9 male existing meant purebred seed should have been possible to produce, unless it was a male only strain. Trichome Technologies has a strain named Northern Lights 6, another related family member.


Active Member
Thanks so much, the descriptions of Indica & Sativa should help me a lot when they are mature and I can indentify if they are either or. Only after smoking should I be able to determine the strain..atleast a few types that are similar so I know the quality.

I should have only planted one seed, since they're all different. Stupid me doesn't know shit about growing, so I was under the impression I was supposed to plant multiple seeds for one plant. Now I have 8 plants and anywhere from 4-8 strains. I'm thinking about using seperate bags for the buds of each plant once I harvest and numbering them..don't want to mix them up.

Thanks again for your help. =]


Well-Known Member
Apparently midgrade is anything between schwag & chronic. As if we didn't alright know this...

Then why'd you ask the fuckin question if you already knew it???

Midgrade is NOT as bad as dirt weed and NOT as good as White Widow... SOooooooo if the weed isn't as bad as lowgrade yet not as good as weed as highgrade what must it be? MIDGRADE.

and there is a BUTT LOAD of Cannabis plants that fall in the mid-grade region so determaining the exact weed is pretty damn hard.


Active Member
so what are the "Northern Lights" seeds I bought (from a reputable seed shop)? They don't have a number.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean, let them ride? Most likely, but I'm not THAT bad at taking care of plants.
Look, I don't know you from boo. You could have a green thumb bigger than the Washington Monument. But I have this funny feeling that a gardening guru wouldn't need to ask such a silly "what is this breed" question.

So I'm giving you the friendly advice to keep as many as you can alive because you'll probably make more mistakes.

-REP for a nasty attitude to people who are trying to help you.(not limited to this post)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
The quality of weed.. in my experience is determined mosly by the grower... and not the plant...

You can give me the shittiest seeds in the world.. I'll grow'em and trim 'em and they'll look like da CHRONIC!! taaaaa dow..



Well-Known Member
most of the good middies i see are hybrids that adjust themselves by natural selection. tall bushes, for yield, high resin, to protect from heat and insects, and perhaps even resistance to mold. the main difference between crap weed and chronic weed on the streets is how well it was treated from beginning to end. yea, the herb ohioans get from ky will be better than the shit from mexico--due to distance and packaging.

imo that is