Plant Identification


Active Member
Look, I don't know you from boo. You could have a green thumb bigger than the Washington Monument. But I have this funny feeling that a gardening guru wouldn't need to ask such a silly "what is this breed" question.

So I'm giving you the friendly advice to keep as many as you can alive because you'll probably make more mistakes.

-REP for a nasty attitude to people who are trying to help you.(not limited to this post)
I wasn't having a shitty attitude. Too bad the way people read things online is often misinterpreted without tonal qualities in the voice.

I wasn't asking what breed I have, I know that question will never be answered, that one's obvious. I was just wondering what specific breeds are considered "midgrade" so I have an idea of what breed I might have. Once they mature and flower, I may be able to tell by appearance within 1-10 possibilities of what I have have grown, it's better than wondering out of 100 different midgrade strains I might have.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't having a shitty attitude. Too bad the way people read things online is often misinterpreted without tonal qualities in the voice.

I wasn't asking what breed I have, I know that question will never be answered, that one's obvious. I was just wondering what specific breeds are considered "midgrade" so I have an idea of what breed I might have. Once they mature and flower, I may be able to tell by appearance within 1-10 possibilities of what I have have grown, it's better than wondering out of 100 different midgrade strains I might have.
Your original response to me was this:

What do you mean, let them ride? Most likely, but I'm not THAT bad at taking care of plants.
Further searching back in the thread reveals statements like this:

Stop being sarcastic. I'm not asking anyone to identify my plants. I'm just asking what strain of weed are usually sold off as "midgrade" so I have a good idea of what my plants are. that's all.
Look, you came to this community wanting information. But then you asked questions without researching them via the very difficult interfaces of 'google' and 'search' on

Then you doubled it up by asking a nonsensical question. Then you got nasty and sarcastic every time anyone tried to help you. I agree that online interactions can often be subject to difficulties in communications....oddly enough the people who understand these difficulties in online communications are the ones who understand how to express themselves in a concrete verbal manner.

So if you understand how communication online can be difficult....why are you coming off like such a pain in the ass? I swear to god that we're here to help you. We just ask that you

a) try to figure it out yourself first
b) don't ask dumb questions
c) apologize when you ask dumb questions...because when we were new we didn't know what was dumb either
d) help others once you have some experience.


Well-Known Member
i own the big book of buds 1+2, jason kings cannabible series and the good bud guide. if you read thru these you will learn that some strains have higher grades than others. % THC. there are numerous strains that can be considered "mid-grade".
excerpt from cannabible 3:
Donkey Dick-"...a commercial Skunk strain, famous for producing long, phallic colas. Nothing superexotic here, just a nice fat Skunk selection with a typical Skunk flavor and a typical Skunk high. Yawn."
with further reading and research one could probably put together a break down of known A, B, and C grades. i feel a plant can produce amazing results regardless of strain, but it is still limited to it's genetics.
Newportxpleasure, i hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
all the anger around here the last 2 days this site should be changed to SNORTITUP. smoke 2 people. sheesh


Well-Known Member
yeah, I dunno. Think the stress of the new job...and hence the no get a negative test may be leading me to be a dickhead. perhaps I should just leave for a bit and then come back.

strange thing is that I see like 10 dudes way crazier than me who only just logged in. Just seems like we're getting the lost overgrow crowd. Which is good and bad.


Well-Known Member
sorry 420 totally forgot about your situation. selfish me. RAGE ON!!! i ain't directing nothing at nobody. just the whole vibe of this place. it's like the first day of junior high school let out and they all came here.


Well-Known Member
i was one of the lost overgrowers, and i think (with the confirmation from the more senior memebers) ive done a lot for this site. if someone asks a question that you deem "dumb" then ask them to rephrase, or do more personal research. i prefer to just answer their questions as thoroughly as possible and be done with it. or insert a link that might further their understanding pertaining to their particular situation. we were all n00bs once, and with the ~32,482 post, the search functions can be rederred useless.

Newport, to answer your question, its nearly impossible to determine the strain of bagweed. the only thing you can do is identify the indica?sativa traits, which mogie so livingly annotated for you. due to the lack of labeling certain plants and hybrids hybridizing with other hybrids, a particular strain of even a similar strain would be extremely difficult to achieve.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor



Well-Known Member




New Member
Just figure that mid grade is like Maple syrup. Not really about the particular origin of which tree it came from but how strong it is. Strains aren't the indicator, potency is.
The quality of weed.. in my experience is determined mosly by the grower... and not the plant...

You can give me the shittiest seeds in the world.. I'll grow'em and trim 'em and they'll look like da CHRONIC!! taaaaa dow..

I agree I have got some work took the 15 seeds in the bag which was an 8th and grew some chronic. so my conclusion... its not what the cannabis plant can do for you but what can you do for your cannabis plant...Also you must pay attention to tich's and you must cure properly(weed is like fine wine longer you cure it the better it will be)