Plant is dying, nothing i can do.... BUT I NEED UR HELP


Well-Known Member
My baby girl is dying or already dead or in the process or whatever. I cant do shit, all leaves are like chips now. The leaves that are close from the buds are still green, but not for long. The rest of the plant is yellow or gone.
Do i cut it now? Do i put her in the dark for 48hour then cut her? WHAT THE FUCK DO I NEED TO DO IM PANICKING AND I DONT WANT MY FLOWERS TO ROT OR DIE.


Well-Known Member
That would be easy, but my plant dosent drink water. The soil is still wet as fuck from the last watering
So basically i cant do shit until this dries up which doesent fix the problem.


Well-Known Member
loohs like nitrogen def how often do you feed ? for soil i water , water , feed ,water water feed keep up with it .


Well-Known Member
Why did you wait so long to ask for help?
When is the last time you fed it?
I think you'd be better off feeding it, and letting the drying out process start over than waiting till it dries then feeding.
Point your fan down towards the soil, and make sure your roots are not blocking your drainage holes.


Active Member
That would be easy, but my plant dosent drink water. The soil is still wet as fuck from the last watering
So basically i cant do shit until this dries up which doesent fix the problem.
I'm thinking you have root rot. Let it dry. Water when it is dry. small waterings. Maybe very dilute nutes with second watering. Remove all the dead leaves. Is there enough air?


Well-Known Member
If your soil is not drying you can put a small p.c. fan next to the soil to help it dry had the same problem my p.h. was off had to flush

Mister Black

Active Member
how long has it been flowering?
Answer this question.

Look at a few grow logs where the fan leaves yellow as flowering progresses. In late flower for example it is perfectly normal to see fan leaves yellowing as the plant uses up its resources for the buds. As the leaves yellow and die remove them. To not do so would invite rot. I know this from experience.
However hard to give accurate advice unless more information is provided. Test the ph of your run off. You do have run off right?


Looks like Nitrogen is locked out, If the soil is still wet and no moisture is being used dry that soil out asap! Or Mr. Black could also be right, If its flowering, Its using up all the nitro, which if that is the case, might not end up with a very big harvest this round.